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 Form 4 Physics Questions and Answers on Thin Lenses

(a) Figures 11 (a) and (b) show diagrams of the human eye.
(i) Sketch in figure 11
(a) a ray diagram to show short sightedness.
(ii) Sketch in figure 11
(b) a ray diagram to show how lens can be used to correct the short sightedness.
(b) Figure 12 shows the features of a simple camera.
(i) Name the parts labeled A and B.
(ii) A still object is placed at a certain distance from the camera. Explain the adjustments necessary for a clear image of the object to be formed.
(iii) State the functions of the shutter and the parts labeled A and B.
(c) A lens forms a clear image on a screen when the distance between the screen and the object is 80cm. if the image is 3 times the height of the object,

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