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 Form 4 History and Government Lessons on World Wars

The league of nations: origin, organization and reasons for formation of League of Nations in 1920
The League of Nations was established by the victors of the First World War in 1920 at the treaty of Versailles with the main aim of preventing the occurrence of another war. The idea of its formation was mooted by Woodrow Wilson, the US president who was supported by Lord Robert Cecil of Britain, Jan Smuts of South Africa and Leon Bourgeois of France.

Reasons for the formation of the League of Nations in 1920.
a) It was formed for the Maintenance of world peace.
b) The League of Nations was meant to foster international cooperation in solving problems as they arise.
c) It was formed to jointly take instant action against an agreed aggressor by economic and possibly by military means.
d) It was formed to oversee development of territories
lost to central powers during the First World War. E.g. Tanganyika, Togo, South West Africa etc.

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