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Form 2 Biology Transport in Plants Questions and Answers
Explain why the rate of transpiration is reduced when humidity is high.
(1m 9s)
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The diagram below represents a transverse section of a young stem. (a) Name the parts labeled A and B. (b) State the functions of the parts labeled C, D and E. The diagram below represents a transverse section of a young stem. (c) List three differences between the section shown above and one that would be obtained from the root of the same plant.
The diagram below represents the pathways of water from the soil into the plant. (a) Name the structures labeled K and L. (b) Explain how water from the soil reaches the structure labeled L. (c) Name the process by which mineral salts enter into the plant.
State two ways in which xylem vessels are adapted to their function
An experiment was carried out to determine the rate of transpiration in three plants A, B and C. Plants A and B belonged to different species while plants B and C belonged to the same species. Plant C had all its leaves removed. The three plants were of similar size and were exposed to the same environmental conditions. The results are as shown below in the graphs below
Name two processes that bring about the translocation of manufactured food
The diagram below represents part of phloem tissue. (a) Name the structures R and S and the cell labeled T. (b) State the function of the structure labeled S. (c) Explain why xylem is a mechanical tissue.
The diagram below represents regions of a root tip. (a) Name the two regions above X in ascending order. (b) State the function of the part labeled X.
A set up that was used to investigate certain process in plants is shown in the diagram below. (a) What process was being investigated? (b) (i) State two precautions that should be taken when setting up the experiment. (ii) Give a reason for each precaution stated in (b) (i) above. (c) State three environmental factors that influence the process under investigation.
The diagram below represents a traverse section through a plant organ. (a) From which plant organ was the section obtained? (b) Give two reasons for your answer in (a) above. (c) Name the parts labeled J, K and L. (d) State two functions of the part labeled M.
Describe how water moves from the soil to the leaves in tree
State two ways in which the root hairs are adapted to their function
The diagram below represents a plant tissue. (a) Name the tissue. (b) Name the cells labeled K and L. (c) What is the function of the companion cell?
Name the tissue in plants responsible for: (a) Transport of water and mineral salts. (b) Transport of carbohydrates. (c) Primary growth.
The diagram below shows a section through a plant organ. (a) (i) Name the class of the plant which the section was obtained. (b) State the function of the part labeled F.
Explain why the rate of transpiration is reduced when humidity is high
The diagram below shows a traverse section of a plant organ. (a) Name the plant organ from which the section was obtained. (b) (i) Name the class to which the plant organ was obtained. (ii) Give a reason for your answer in (b) (i) above. (c) Name the part labeled X
The number of stomata on the lower and upper surfaces of two leaves from plant species X and Y were counted under the field of view of a light microscope. The results were as shown in the table below.
Explain how structural features in terrestrial plants affect their rate of transpiration
Why are plants able to accumulate most of their waste products for long?
Describe how environmental factors increase the rate of transpiration in terrestrial plants
Explain how the following contribute to the movement of water up the xylem vessels: (a) Cohesion (b) Adhesion
State one adaptation of xylem vessels to their function
Below is an illustration a cross section of a plant root showing the transportation of substances in the plant. (a) Name the substances transported along the paths labeled K and L. (b) Give a reason for your answer in L above.
State why it is important for plants to lose water to the atmosphere.
(a) Distinguish between guttation and transpiration. (b) State the significance of transpiration to a plant.
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