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 Equilibrium and Centre of Gravity Questions and Answers

(a) State the principle of moments.
(b) A uniform metal strip is 3.0cm wide, 0.6cm thick and 100cm long. The density of the metal is 2.7 #gcm^-3#.
(i) Determine the weight of the strip. The strip is placed on a pivot and kept in equilibrium by forces as shown in figure 13.
(ii) Determine the value of F and R.
(iii) X is the distance from the end of the plank to the point of application of force F. Force F is now applied at various points nearer to the pivot so that X increases. Equilibrium is maintained all the time. On the axis provided, sketch the relation between forces F and X.
(iv) Give a reason for the answer in (iii) above.

 (16m 55s)
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