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Form 2 Physics Video Questions and Answers on Hooke's Law
State the SI unit of a spring constant.
(1m 48s)
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A wire fixed at one ends extends by 4mm when a load of 20N is suspended from the other end. Determine the load that would cause an extension of 1.5mm on the wire. (Assume elastic limit is not exceeded.)
Figure 5 shows a wire A and a spring B made of the same material. The thickness of the wire is the same in both cases. Masses are added on each at the same intervals and the extension noted each time. On the same axis provided (above), sketch the graphs of extension against load for each. (Hooke’s law is obeyed.)
Two identical spring balances, R and S each weighing 0.5N, are arranged as shown in Figure 2. What is the reading on balance R?
(a) State Hooke’s law. (b) One end of a piece of a rubber was fixed to a rigid support and the other end pulled with a force of varying magnitude. The graph in figure 6 shows the relationship between the force (N) and the extension (cm). Using the graph, determine thestretching force at the elastic limit.
The spiral springs shown in figure 4 are identical. Each spring has a spring constant k=300 N/m. Determine the total extension caused by the 90N weight. (Ignore the weight of the springs and connecting rods).
(a) You are provided with two wires of same material and same thickness. Describe how you would make two spiral springs of different spring constants (assume that other apparatus to make springs are available. (b) In an experiment, two identical springs are attached end to end of the combined spring is fixed to a rigid support such that the spring hangs vertically. Masses are then hanged
The graphs in figure 7 represents the relation between extension, e and mass, m added on two springs x and y. Given that the two springs are made of same materials, give a reason why the graphs are different.
The three springs shown in figure 5 are identical and have negligible weight. The extension produced on the system of springs is 20cm. Determine the constant of each spring.
State the SI unit of a spring constant.
Figure 2 shows a spring balance. Its spring constant is
. The scale spreads over a distance of 20cm. Determine the maximum weight that can be measured using the spring.
Table 1 shows the results of an experiment carried out to study the properties of a spring. State with a reason whether the experiment was done within the elastic limit of the spring.
An object of weight 20N attached at the end of a spring causes an extension of 0.5cm on the spring. (a) Determine the spring constant of the spring. (b) Determine the weight of an object that would cause an extension of 0.86cm when attached at the end of the same spring.
A light spiral spring extends by 4mm when loaded with a weight W. The spring is connected in series with an identical spring. The combination is loaded with the weight W. Determine the extension of the combination.
A spring extends by 6cm when supporting a mass of 0.06kg on earth. When the spring is used to support the same mass on the moon, it extends by 1cm. Determine the moon’s gravitational strength. (Take gravitational field strength on earth as 10
(a) A student was provided with several identical masses, a metre rule, a spring and a stand, boss and clamp. Outline five steps that the student should follow in order to verify Hooke’s law. (b) Figure 4 shows a graph that was drawn from the results obtained in an experiment to study the extension of a spring. From the graph, determine: (i) The spring constant k (ii) The load that causes an
Figure 8 shows the graph of extension against force for a certain helical spring. On the same diagram, sketch the graph of extension against force for a spring with a lower value of spring constant.
Figure 5 shows two springs C and D of the same length and equal number of turns made from the same wire. State with a reason which of the two springs can support a heavier load before attaining the elastic limit.
(a) A student is provided with five 20g masses, a meter ruler, a spring with a pointer, a stand, a boss and a clamp. (i) In the space provided, sketch a labeled diagram of the set up that may be used in order to verify Hook’s law using these apparatus. (ii) State two measurements that should be recorded in order to plot a suitable graph so as to verify Hooke’s law.
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