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Class 8 Reproduction in Human Beings Questions and Answers
A human zygote is formed in the
A. Vagina.
B. Cervix.
C. Uterus.
D. Oviduct.
(1m 59s)
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Which of the following is NOT a function of the placenta? A. Allows passage of dissolved food materials to the embryo. B. Allows exchange of gases between embryo and mother. C. Prevents harmful materials from reaching the embryo. D. Protects the embryo from shock.
Which one of the following is formed first after fertilization? A. Foetus B. Embryo. C. Zygote. D. Sex cell.
Which one of the following is NOT A CORRECT statement about reproduction in human beings? A. Fertilization takes place in the uterus. B. The zygote gets implanted in the wall of the uterus. C. The blood of the mother and foetus do not mix. D. Menstruation stops during pregnancy.
Which one of the following is NOT A CORRECT statement about a foetus? A. Receives oxygen through placenta. B. The blood of the mother and that of the foetus mix. C. Receives food substances from the mother’s blood. D. Waste products are removed though the placenta.
The following are processes that take place during birth in humans (i) Dilation of the cervix (ii) Contraction of the uterus (iii) Bursting of the amniotic bag (iv) Pushing out of the baby (v) Cutting of the umbilical cord Which of the following is the correct order of the processes? A. (i), (iii), (ii), (iv), (v). B. (i), (iii), (iv), (ii), (v). C. (ii), (i), (iii), (iv), (v). D. (ii), (iv), (iii
Which one of the following attaches itself on the uterus wall to develop into a baby? A. Ovum B. Foetus. C. Embryo. D. Zygote.
Which one of the following is a function of the amniotic sac during pregnancy? A. Passes digested food to the foetus. B. Allows gaseous exchange between the mother and foetus. C. Prevents harmful micro-organisms from reaching the foetus. D. Protects the foetus from physical shock.
A human zygote is formed in the A. Vagina. B. Cervix. C. Uterus. D. Oviduct.
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