Oral literature revision questions Lesson 2 1. State the appropriate steps/ stages in a riddling process/ cycle.2. Highlight reasons why we study oral literature.
Answer Text: State the appropriate steps/ stages in a riddling process/ cycle. - Invitation – Challenger draws the attention of audience using an opening formula, for instance: „Have a riddle.‟ - Acceptance- Respondent responds or accepts to take the challenge, for instance: „Throw it.‟ -Challenge /Riddle – Challenger poses/ gives the challenge (riddle) itself. -Guesses or answers- Respondents try to answer; provide guesses.Prize – Challenger asks for a prize in order to provide a solution in cases where respondents fail to answer it correctly. The prize is given, challenger finally accepts it. Solution – Challenger gives the right answer. 2. Highlight reasons why we study oral literature. -A form of education.-To understand our culture.-To understand our history.- As a form of entertainment.-For recreation; leisure. -National integration. Body languages: -Nodding -Smiling -Sitting posture (upright or leaning forward) -Dancing -Clapping/ applauding -Laughing -Frowning-Waving -Stamping feet