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Grade 5 Mathematics Online Lessons on Subtraction
Work out:
a) 9 + 4 – 4
b) 18 + 15 - 20
(1m 27s)
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Work out: subtraction
The difference between two numbers is 647 356. One of the numbers is 857 386. What is the other number?
A farmer had Sh 456 750. He bought farm inputs for Sh 352 430. How much money was he left with?
There were 125 573 registered voters in a constituency. During a by-election 123 432 people voted. How many people did not vote?
There were 679 856 trees in a forest. In a certain season some of the trees were harvested. The trees that remained were 624 632. How many trees were harvested?
Work out: (subtraction)
A farm produced 929 672 kg of vegetables in January. In February, the farm produced 608 377 kg of vegetables. How many more kilograms of vegetables did the farm produce in January than February?
A factory processed 875 000 packets of buscuits. Some of the packets of biscuits were sold to traders and 295 750 packets remained. How many packets of biscuits did the traders buy?
A bakery produced 295 080 loaves of bread. The bakery donated 93 750 loaves of bread to needy families. How many loaves of bread remained?
Subtract: 798 643 – 59 587
Work out the estimate difference by rounding off the numbers to the nearest thousand. a) 78 935 – 67 595 b) 834 967 – 87 349
There were 69 847 bags of wheat in a store. Traders bought 53 739 bags of the wheat. By rounding off the number of bags to the nearest thousand, find the estimate difference on the number of bags of wheat.
There were 89 650 litres of petrol in a petrol station at the start of a week. By the end of the week 63 241 litres of petrol had been sold. By rounding off the numbers to the nearest thousand, find the estimate difference of the amount of petrol that remained.
A dairy company had 275 389 packets of milk. The company donated 59 850 packets to children homes. Round off each number of packets to the nearest thousand and find the estimate difference of number of packets that remained.
A dam contained 975 388 litres of water. Some of the water was used for irrigation. The water that remained was 567 200 litres. By rounding off each number to the nearest thousand, find the estimate difference of the amount of water that remained.
Work out: a) 9 + 4 – 4 b) 18 + 15 - 20
Work out: a) 15 – 10 + 18 b) 430 + 680 – 590 c) 15 – 10 + 18
Kaari had 8 oranges in her bag. She bought 5 more oranges. She gave 7 oranges to Katee. How many oranges remained?
Chepkwony harvested 5 186 and 4 732 bags of maize from two different farms. He sold 8 209 bags of the maize. How many bags of maize remained?
A trader had 25 760 bags of cement in the store. He sold 12 758 bags of the cement. At the same time he added 13 470 bags of cement in the store. How many bags of cement remained in the store?
Use the rule to create a pattern of five numbers in each of the following: a) 775 000; “Subtract 1000” b) 990 000; “Subtract 30 000”
In each of the following patterns, state the rule used: a) 80 000, 60 000, 40 000, 20 000 b) 900 000, 850 000, 800 000, 750 000
Write the missing number: 420 000, 400 000, 380 000, ______, ______
The amount of water in a tank is 5 000 litres. A family uses 200 litres of the water every day. List the amount of water remaining in the tank at the end of each day for six days.
Mdoe has 900 kg of groundnuts. He sell 50 kg per day for 7 days. Write in order the amount of groundnuts remaining each day for seven days.
There were 240 people to be transported to a security meeting. The people were transported using a minibus that could only carry 30 people per trip. Write down in order the number of people remaining to be transported each time.
Make a pattern each of 5 numbers involving subtraction.
Use a number line to find the estimate difference in each of the following: a) 349 – 125 b) 25 350 – 24 850
Work out the estimate difference by rounding off each number to the nearest hundred. a) 6 349 – 2 712 b) 3 936 – 1 474
There were 56 982 tea bushes in a farm. Some more tea bushes were planted. The total number of tea bushes was 82 495. Estimate the difference by rounding off the numbers to the nearest hundreds.
Two towns had 4 878 and 5 639 children immunized against polio. Estimate the difference by rounding off the numbers to the nearest hundreds.
There were 59 799 bags of wheat in a store. The owner sold 45 927 bags of the wheat. Estimate the difference by rounding off the numbers to the nearest hundreds.
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