In this lesson we are going to discuss about the significance of a karst scenery
Answer Text: Significance of Karst SceneryPositive1. Features in karst scenery are a tourist attraction e.g. caves, gorges, stalactites, stalagmites, etc.2. Limestone rock is used in the manufacture of cement e.g. cement factory at Bamburi in Mombasa and Athi River.3. Limestone blocks are also used for building.4. Limestone regions are very good for grazing particularly sheep because the surface is dry.5. Large villages called spring line settlements form at the line of vauclusian springs due to the availability of water.Negative1. Limestone landscape discourages settlement because the surface is rocky, soils are thin and unsuitable for agriculture, surface isrugged with features like grikes and Clints and the water supply is inadequate due to rivers disappearing into swallow holes.