In this lesson we are going to discuss the Tropical Monsoon Forests, their characteristics, location and uses
Answer Text: Tropical Monsoon ForestsLocation1. S.W and S coast of Mexico2. Parts of India, Bangladesh,Burma, Vietnam andIndonesia3. Monsoon lands of AustraliaCharacteristics• Most trees shed leavesduring dry season and growduring hot wet season.• Smaller number of treespecies than tropical rainforests.• Tall species of trees risingup to 30m.• Trees don’t grow together.• Trees have more branchesbecause of light penetrating atlower levels.• Denser undergrowth thantropical rain forests.• Particular species of treesdominate an area(pure/definite stands) e.g.- Leak in Burma- Sal in India- Eucalyptus in QueenslandAustralia- Bamboo in S.E Asia• Dominant tree species areleak, bamboo, acacia,camphor, ebony, Sapele andPyinkaido.Uses of tropical MonsoonForests(a) Teak in Burma andThailand is used for buildinghouses and boats because it’shard and resistant to termites.(b) Bamboo and rattan creeperare used for making furniture,baskets and weaving.(c) Young tender shoots ofbamboo are consumed asvegetables.