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 Form 1 Geography Online Lessons on Fieldwork

In this lesson we are going to learn about:
1. Types of fieldwork
2. Importance of field work

 (5m 45s)
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Field Work
-Scientific study of geography using the environment as a laboratory or source of information.
Types of Field Work
1. Field Excursion
-Visiting an area near or far from the school to see geographical phenomena then note down and discuss later in class.
a) Reinforce what has been learnt in class
b) Gain more geographical knowledge
c) Identify and appreciate geographical features
d) Identify problems of geographical interest
2. Field Research
-Systematic problem solving done by experts in which scientific methods of
collecting, recording and analysing data are used.
3. Field Study
-Study conducted within a neighbourhood in which one theme is pursued e.g. ‘A study of a local farm’.
Importance of Field Work
1. Reinforces what has been learnt in class.
2. Enables one to gain more geographical knowledge.
3. It breaks the monotony of classroom work.
4. It provides learner with practical skills of collecting, recording and analysing data and report writing.
5. Gives students an opportunity to go out and practise what they have learnt in class. 6. Enables students to familiarise themselves with the environment and develop a positive attitude towards it.
7. Enables students to develop a positive attitude towards manual work.
8. Promotes development of virtues like cooperation by working in groups.
