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 Form 1 Geography Online Lessons on Statistics

Lesson 1: Introduction to Statistics and Significance of Statistics

 (5m 23s)
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Statistics - numerical figures collected systematically and arranged for a particular purpose.
Statistical data-information presented inform of numbers e.g.
1. No. of students in a school
2. Mean daily temperature of a place
3. Amount of milk produced daily from a farm
4. Amount of money earned from exports annually.
- Statistical methods-techniques of collecting, recording, analysing, presenting and interpreting statistical data.
Significance of Statistics
1. Illustrates relationship between
2 or more varying quantities e.g. beans production and acreage under cultivation.
2. Summarizes geographical information which saves time and space.
3. Makes comparison between components e.g. province with the highest number of people.
4. Prediction of future trends of weather and climate.
5. Prediction of natural disasters e.g. droughts and floods.
6. Planning for provision of social amenities e.g. hospitals and schools.
