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 Form 1 Geography Online Lessons on The Structure of The Earth

The Structure of the Earth
Internal Structure of the Earth

 (10m 55s)
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The Structure of the Earth
Internal Structure of the Earth
The evidence used to study the earth’s interior are
1. Mining
2. Drilling
3. Quarrying/excavation
A. Crust/Lithosphere
• Outermost layer of the earth
• Made of soils and other loose deposits of sand
• The dominant rocks are granites.
• Extends 0-50km
• Has 2 layers
1. Sial
• Also called continental crust
• Made of light coloured rocks
• Called sial because it’s made up of silica and aluminum.
2. Sima • Also called oceanic crust
• Mainly made of basaltic rocks which are brittle.
• Called sima because it is made of silica, magnesium and iron.
Mohorovicic Discontinuity (Moho)
•A definite zone of discontinuity between the crust and the mantle.
• Was discovered by Dr. Andrija Mohorovicic in 1909.
B. The Mantle/Asthenosphere
• Layer lying between the crust and the core
• Made of iron and magnesium
• Has two layers
1. Upper mantle
• Rocks are more elastic than those of sima.
• Temperature is about 1000◦c. 2. Lower mantle
• Rocks are like very viscous liquid.
• Temperature ranges between 1000◦c to 3000◦c.
Why the Interior of Earth Is Very Hot
a) Due radio-active decay causing most of the heating.
b) Due to great pressure as a result of overlying crustal materials.
c) The original heat resulting from slow cooling of the materials which were pulled off the sun
Gutenberg Discontinuity
• A definite zone of discontinuity between mantle and core.
C. Core/barysphere/Centrosphere
• The innermost/central layer of the earth.
• Has 2 layers Outer Core
• Composed of very dense rocks
• Made up of nickel and iron
• Temperatures are up to 3700◦c.
Inner Core
• A solid mass of mainly iron
• Temperatures are estimated to be 4500◦c to 5000◦c
