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 Form 1 Geography lessons on the earth and the solar system

Composition of the Solar System

 (3m 58s)
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Composition of the Solar System
1. The Sun It’s the centre of the universe.
• It’s a star. A star is a heavenly body possessing its own light which it transmits. Nebula/galaxy is a cluster of stars. The earth is in a galaxy called The Milky Way.
• It’s made of very hot gases mainly hydrogen (70%) and helium (30%).
• Has a diameter of 1392000km.
• Surrounded by a layer of gas which has boiled from its surface which is called corona.
• Rotates on its own axis in anticlockwise direction.
• Has gravitational pull which holds all the planets in orbit around it.
An orbit is a path which a planet or a satellite follows around a star or a planet. • Temperature at its centre is 15m◦c and at the surface is 5500◦c.
• Radiates solar energy which is very important for all forms of life on the earth.
