Relationship between Geography and Other Subjects
Answer Text: 1. Mathematics Mathematical techniques are used in drawing graphs and pie charts and mathematical formulae are used in geography to calculate distances, areas, population density etc.2. History History uses geographical tools like maps, charts and graphs to show where past events took place e.g. the movement of people in the past. 3. Biology Geography explains the distribution of organisms and factors influencing their distribution on the earth’s surface.4. Physics Geography uses physics principles and formulae to calculate and describe aspects such as magnetic field, gravity, vibrations of the earth etc. 5. Chemistry Geography applies chemistry in studying chemical composition and chemical changes which take place in soils and rocks.6. Agriculture Geography studies farming systems, their distribution and factors affecting farming activities. 7. Meteorology Geography uses meteorological information in the study of weather and in classifying climatic regions and mapping them. 8. Geology Geography studies rocks.