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 Form 1 Chemistry Sample Exam Revision Questions With Answers

The set-up below is used to investigate the properties of hydrogen.
i) On the diagram, indicate what should be done for the reaction to occur
ii) Hydrogen gas is allowed to pass through the tube for some time before it is lit. Explain
iii) Write an equation for the reaction that occurs in the combustion tube.
iv) When the reaction is complete, hydrogen gas is passed through the apparatus until they Cool down. Explain
v) What property of hydrogen is being investigated?
vi) What observation confirms the property stated in (v) above?
vii) Why is zinc oxide not used to investigate this property of hydrogen gas?

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Answer Text:
ii).To drive away the air that might be in the tube.
iii).Hydrogen + Copper II Oxide -->Copper +water vapor.
iv).To ensure that all the copper ii oxide is reduced to copper metal.
v).Reducing agent
vi).The black copper ii oxide turns brown confirming the change from copper ii oxide to copper metal.
vii).Zinc is more reactive than hydrogen gas, so hydrogen cannot reduce zinc oxide.
