Lecture Notes in Kenya


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1722 Resources

  • Community Health Linkages Notes

    COMMUNITY HEALTH LINKAGES COMPILED BY DENNIS LUMBASI 0703159490 Unit topics 1. Coordinate community access to health services 2. Conduct integrated outreach programs 3. Establish community health partnership 4. Carry out social mobilization and participation 5. Manage enrolment into...

    College, Community Health Linkages: Community Health Linkages

    Price: KES :  450

  • FND 345: Nutrition Care Process Notes

    INTRODUCTION TO NUTRITION CARE PROCESS Module Competence This module is designed to enable the learners implement nutrition care process in disease management and community nutrition. Module Outcomes By the end of this module, the learners should be able to: 1. Outline the steps in the...

    Egerton University, Bachelor of Science in Food Nutrition and Dietetics: Nutrition Care Process

    Price: KES :  100

  • FOND 103: Introduction to Nutrition and Dietetics Notes

    TOPIC 1: INTRODUCTION TO THE SCIENCE OF NUTRITION AND DIETETICS Definition of terms Cognitive functions – they are cerebral activities that lead to knowledge, including all means and mechanisms of acquiring information. They include reasoning, memory, attention and language and leads directly to...

    Egerton University, Bachelor of Science in Food Nutrition and Dietetics: Introduction to Nutrition and Dietetics

    Price: KES :  100

  • KMTC Pulmonary Nursing Notes

    Pulmonary Nursing Notes Year 1 Semester 1 Diploma in Community Health Nursing Distance Learning KMTC Embu Campus ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MODULE: MEDICAL SURGICAL NURSING SUBJECT: PULMONARY NURSING TOPIC: PNEUMONIA

    KMTC, Diploma in Community Health Nursing: Pneumonia

    Price: KES :  200

  • CIM 211: Educational Media and Resources Notes


    University of Kabianga, Bachelor of Education: Educational Media and Resources

    Price: KES :  200

  • Computer Input and Output Notes in PowerPoint Format

    Computer Input and Output Notes. Document Format: Ms PowerPoint.

    College, Information Communication Technology : Information Communication Technology

    Price: KES :  70

  • DIN 211: Risk Management and Insurance Notes - Motor and Marine Insurance

    DIN 211: Risk Management and Insurance Notes - Motor and Marine Insurance A vehicle is probably the most common asset owned by a majority of people since it’s a necessity. The high number of motor vehicles on roads created a unique risk requiring specific treatment i.e. Loss of human life and...

    University of Nairobi, Bachelor of Commerce: Risk Management and Insurance

    Price: KES :  200

  • FRE 426: French in International Relations and Diplomacy Notes

    FRE 426: French in International Relations and Diplomacy Notes

    Rongo University, Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Diplomacy; Bachelor of Science (Tourism and Hospitality); Bachelor of Science (Hotel and Catering): French for International Relations and Diplomacy

    Price: KES :  250

  • KSW B101: Introduction to Soil Science and Landforms Notes

    Purpose: The course is designed to introduce the trainees to soil science by imparting knowledge and skills on Geomorphology, landscapes, soil composition, formation/ pedogenesis, physical and chemical properties, organic matter, soil organisms, plant nutrients and Morphology of Kenya and East...

    Pwani University, Introduction to Soil Science and Landforms: Introduction to Soil Science and Landforms

    Price: KES :  50

  • ED 102: History of Education Notes

    CONTENT ? UNIT ONE: Introduction ? Education Through History ? Reasons for studying history of education ? Scope of history of education ? Education in ancient civilization ? Early societies and education ? Characteristics of education during the ancient civilisations UNIT TWO: ANCIENT...

    Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Bachelor of Education: History of Education

    Price: KES :  100

  • GS 102: Computer Literacy Notes

    COMPUTER LITERACY MODULE NOTES; INTRODUCTION: The computer is a household name today. It is no longer a device for specialized scientists, Engineers or the Top managers. It is popular with everybody - From a businessman to an employee and from a scientist to a primary school child. Unlike...

    Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Bachelor of Education: Computer Literacy

    Price: KES :  200

  • EENG 481: Wireless and Mobile Communication I Notes

    Course Content: Overview of wireless communications and systems: Review of digital communications, Cellular systems from 1G to 3G, Wireless 4G systems. Radio propagation and propagation path-loss model, Free-space attenuation, Multipath channel characteristics, Signal fading statistics,...

    Kenyatta University, Bsc.Electrical and Electronics engineering: Engineering

    Price: KES :  200

  • BUS/OS/BM/BC/06/5/A, Environmental Literacy/Demonstrate Environmental Literacy

    7.1 Introduction Demonstrate environmental literacy unit of competency is among the seven basic competencies units offered in all the TVET level 5 and 6 qualification. The unit covers knowledge, skills and behaviours and also entails complying with workplace sustainable resource use, evaluating...

    College, TVET-CDACC LEVEL 5 AND 6: Environmental Literacy

    Price: KES :  1000

  • PANS 335: Crop Health and Pest Management Notes

    PANS: 335: CROP HEALTH AND PEST MANAGEMENT. Introduction Healthy crops constitute the foundation of food security and the key to sustain life on earth .Crop health refers to any harmful factor biological, chemical or physical that may affect plants physiology and crop performance .Specific...

    Kisii University, Bachelor of Education: Crop Health and Pest Management

    Price: KES :  300

  • PBIO 311: Reproduction in Plants and Animals Notes

    The lecture notes have been prepared with special reference to Kisii university syllabus requirement for the course. The notes are prepared for undergraduate students studying for the award of bachelor of education degree. Lectures for the same course and students from other universities will also...

    Kisii University, Bachelor of Education: Reproduction in Plants and Animals

    Price: KES :  300

  • BUST 122: Principles of Marketing Notes

    The notes were prepared for undergraduate students studying for the award of bachelors degree in education and specializing in business studies. Lecturers and undergraduate students from other Universities will also fin the notes very useful. Introduction: Marketing is a term that has been...

    Kisii University, Bachelor of Education: Principles of Marketing

    Price: KES :  0

  • PANS 311: Principles of Livestock Production Notes

    The lecture notes have been prepared with special; reference to Kisii University syllabus requirement for the course .The notes are prepared for undergraduates students studying for the award of bachelors degree in agricultural education. Lecturers for the same course and students from other...

    Kisii University, Bachelor of Education: Principles of Livestock Production

    Price: KES :  0

  • BCH2104: Organic Chemistry II Questions and Answers

    5 Mount Kenya University BCH2104: Organic Chemistry II solved past papers for Bachelor of Education (Science) students.

    Mount Kenya University, Bachelor of Education (Science): Organic chemistry 2

    Price: KES :  200

  • Compare between debt finance and ordinary share capital

    This is a 7-page document. It contains: - A comparison between debt finance and ordinary share capital (23 comparisons) - Similarities between debt finance and ordinary share capital (7 similarities) - 4 types of financing to choose if you are an entrepreneur It also has a reference page.

    Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Bachelor of Commerce: Entrepreneurship Skills

    Price: KES :  100

  • Sources of Media Research in Kenya

    This document contains 4 sources of media research in Kenya. ADVERTISING, MEDIA PLANNING AND BUYING SOURCES OF MEDIA RESEARCH IN KENYA INTRODUCTION. Mass media is defined as any form of communication that simultaneously reaches a large number of people whereas mass media research is the...

    Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Bachelor of Commerce: Advertising, Media Planning and Buying

    Price: KES :  50

  • AHT 340: Politics in Africa Notes

    Politics in Africa is a course modeled to capture the gradual historical development of Africa‘s political structures and the challenges it has faced from the pre-colonial, colonial and post-independent periods. This course gives students a rare opportunity to interact with and understand the...

    Kenyatta University, Bachelor of Arts: Politics in Africa

    Price: KES :  200

  • Communication Skills Notes: Chuka university

    TOPIC 1: INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION LECTURE ONE 1.1 INTRODUCTION In this section we shall examine the field of communication and what it entails so that it may serve as a foundation to what follows in the course. Principally, we shall define communication and establish its importance in...

    Chuka University, Communication Skills: Communication Skills

    Price: KES :  200

  • ED 101: Developmental Psychology Notes

    What Is Developmental Psychology? Developmental psychology is the scientific study of age-related changes throughout the human life span. A discipline of scientific inquiry, developmental psychology recognizes humans of all societies and cultures as beings who are “in process,” or constantly...

    Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Bachelor of Education: Developmental Psychology

    Price: KES :  100

  • Electrical Installation Technology I Notes

    ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION TECHNOLOGY I ELECTRICAL FINAL CIRCUITS Definition Final circuit - a Circuit which supplies Appliances (normally via socket-outlets or other types of connectors) Types of final circuits ? Ring Circuit: a Circuit which is wired from a single Protective Device, being...

    Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering: Electrical installation technology

    Price: KES :  300

  • AGD 403: Gender, Population and Resource Management Notes

    Week 1: Introduction to Gender, Population and Resource Management In this first lesson, we explain the term gender, population, resource and resource management. We also explain the different between environmental resources and natural resources. Week 2: Gender Disaggregated Information/Data In...

    Kenyatta University, Bachelor of Arts: Gender, Population and Resource Management

    Price: KES :  200

  • APS 103: History and Systems of Psychology Notes

    HISTORY AND SYSTEMS OF PSYCHOLOGY In this course, we are dealing with two disciplines, history and psychology, using the methods of history to describe and understand the development of psychology. KEY CONCEPTS i. History. What is it? Which are its major goals? ii. Psychology. What is it? Which...

    Kenyatta University, History and Systems of Psychology: History and Systems of Psychology

    Price: KES :  200

  • EMP 403: Economics of Education and Educational Planning Notes

    • Planning in all its forms is a rational process of preparing a set of decisions for future actions directed at achieving objectives already set • It is thus a continuous process • Its concerned with not only where to go but with how to get there and by what route Find out definition of...

    Kenyatta University, Economics of Education and Educational Planning: Economics of Education and Educational Planning

    Price: KES :  200

  • EFN 302: Philosophy of Education Notes

    TABLE OF CONTENTS Lesson One: Introduction to Philosophy………………………………………….1 Introduction…………………………………………………………...……………..1 Objectives…………………………………………………………………..………..1 Content…………………………………………………………………..…………..1 What Is...

    Kenyatta University, Bachelor of Education: Philosophy of Education

    Price: KES :  200

  • APP 200: Principles of Public Law Notes

    A. The legal definition of Law In its strict sense, law can be understood to be “that portion of the established thought and habit which has gained distinct and formal recognition in the shape of uniform laws, by authority and power of Government” (Woodrow Wilson). Again, “Law is a general rule...

    Kenyatta University, Principles of Public Law : Principles of Public Law

    Price: KES :  200

  • HD 221: Hydroponics Notes

    CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO HYDROPONIC SCIENCE 1.1 HYDROPONIC FARMING This is a branch of hydro culture in which plants are grown in an aquatic based environment or soilless medium. It is the modern technology farming in which plant growth and productivity is controlled by water and the nutrient...

    Miramar International College, Diploma in Crop Science: Lecture Notes

    Price: KES :  90