- BMS 400: Management of Information Systems Notes
- Data consists of raw figures and facts representing events such as business transactions that are presented for processing
- Information -This is processed data, it is meaningful, has value and utility (use). It is used for decision making, judgment and also for control....
Kenyatta University, Commerce: Management of Information Systems
Price: KES : 200
- AGE 401: Environmental Conservation Notes
Environmental conservation is the protection, preservation and management of natural environments and the ecological communities that inhabit them. This also includes the management of human use of natural resources for sustainable social and economic utilization. We are living in...
Kenyatta University, Bachelor of Arts: Environmental Conservation
Price: KES : 200
- HND303: Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases Notes
The purpose of this module unit is to equip the trainee with knowledge, skills, and attitude to enable them to prevent, control, and manage communicable and non-communicable diseases
General objectives
By the end of this module unit, the trainee should be able to:
1. Distinguish...
College, Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics: Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases
Price: KES : 100
- Managerial Accounting Notes
These are the lecture notes for Managerial Accounting, a unit taught in the business courses such as supply chain management ,human resource management and business management .
College, certificate and Diploma in Supply Chain Management, Business Management, Project Management: Managerial Accounting
Price: KES : 200
- Microprocessor Systems and Micro-Electronics Notes for Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Lecture notes for Electrical and Electronics engineering for microelectronics in Craft module 2 and microprocessor systems for Diploma module 3. Very good organized notes for teaching Trainees doing KNEC exams in TVET Institutions.
College, Craft Certificate/Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering: Microprocessor Systems and Micro-Electronics
Price: KES : 300
- FND 307: Community Partnership Skills Notes
Course Purpose: This module unit is intended to equip the trainee with knowledge, skills, and attitude in Community Partnership.
Learning Objectives/Outcomes
By the end of the module unit, the trainee should be able to:
a) Explain the concept of community partnership
b) Develop...
College, Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics: Community Partnership Skills
Price: KES : 100
- Company Law Notes
BMGT 305
This paper is intended to equip the candidate with knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable him/her to apply and comply with the provisions of company law in relevant circumstances and environments.
A candidate who passes this...
University, Bachelor of Commerce: Company Law
Price: KES : 200
- Introduction to Nutrition and Dietetics Notes
These are the lecture notes for Introduction to Nutrition and Dietetics, a unit taught at both certificate and diploma levels in nutrition and dietetics course.
College, Diploma/Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics Management: Introduction to Nutrition and Dietetics
Price: KES : 200
- Food Microbiology and Parasitology Notes
These are the lecture notes for Food Microbiology and Parasitology, a unit taught under Diploma levels of nutrition and dietetics management and food science and technology courses.
College, Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management, Diploma in Food Science and Technology: Food Microbiology and Parasitology Notes
Price: KES : 200
- Project Financing Notes
These are the lecture notes for PROJECT FINANCING ,a unit taught in the course of PROJECT MANAGEMENT at both diploma and certificate levels.
College, Diploma/Certificate in Project management: Project Management
Price: KES : 200
- Diploma in Supply Chain Management: Operations Management Notes
Meaning of Terms
Operations management requires making many strategic and tactical decisions. Here are some
key operations management decisions and associated key terminology:
? Capacity planning—The process of determining the production capacity needed...
College, Diploma in Supply Chain Management, Diploma in Project Management: Project Management
Price: KES : 200
- Entrepreneurship and Business Plan Notes
Harmonized notes for nutrition and dietetics The book objective used to describe the business plan and the business plan process.
It is not a text on marketing of finance.It does however challenge the reader to address this issues concerning nutrition and really life situations as far they apply to...
KMTC, Diploma and Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics: Business plan
Price: KES : 200
- BIT 3206: ICT Project Management Notes
BIT 3206: ICT Project Management Notes
By the end of the course students will be able to:
- To explain the concepts of project management in ICT
- Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of project management and quality management techniques and practices.
- Develop a complex...
University, Project Management: ICT Project Management. ALL PROJECT MANAGEMENT
Price: KES : 3000
- BBM 411: Real Estate Finance Notes
The term estate means “all that a person owns.” Real estate is used to refer to things that are not movable such as land and improvements permanently attached to the land, and ownership rights associated with the real estate are referred to as...
Moi University, Bachelor of Business Management: Real Estate Finance
Price: KES : 100
- BBM 415 Multi-National/International Financial Management Notes
Document Size: 79 Pages
As businesses grow, so does their awareness of opportunities in foreign markets.
Initially, they may merely attempt to export a product to a particular country or import supplies from a foreign manufacturer.
Moi University, Bachelor of Business Management: International Financial Management
Price: KES : 100
- Fundamentals of Management Notes
Brief Overview
- Meaning of Management and Levels of Management
- Management process and Functions
- Management tasks
- Evolution of Management thoughts
- Functional Foremanship
- Management theories
- why study management theories
- Corporate Social...
College, Certificate/Diploma: Fundamentals of Management
Price: KES : 300
- FOST 106: Food Science and Technology Notes
1. Course Purpose: This module unit is intended to equip the trainee with knowledge about food materials. The trainee will further acquire skills for food handling, processing, and preservation and the technologies applied to specific food products.
2. Learning...
College, Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics: Food Science and Technology
Price: KES : 100
- Cooperative Accounting Notes
Cooperative Accounting Notes
Statement of Unit Aims and Objectives
After studying this Unit you should be able to:
1. Explain the major provisions of co-operative Societies Act Relating to Cooperative Accounting
2. Define co-operative accounting
3. Explain the usefulness of co-operative...
KNEC, Diploma and Certificate in Cooperative Management: Cooperative Accounting
Price: KES : 1000
- Diploma in Cooperative Management Notes: Cooperative Management
1. Purpose and structure of co-op banking
• Purposes of co-op banking
• Structure of co-op banking in Kenya
• Organisation charts of various co-op financial organisation
• Roles of various financial organisations in the co-op sector.
2. Credit programmes and...
KNEC, Diploma in Cooperative Management: Diploma in Cooperative Management
Price: KES : 1000
- Certificate and Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics: Meal Planning, Management and Service Notes
These are the lecture notes for Meal Planning ,Management and services, a unit taught in module 1 of both Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics and Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management.
College, Certificate/Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management: eal Planning, Management and Service
Price: KES : 200
- Food Security Notes
These are the lecture notes for Food Security, a unit taught in module 3 of the course of Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management.
College, Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management: Food Security
Price: KES : 200
- Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases Notes
These are the lecture notes for communicable and non-communicable diseases, a unit taught in module 3 of the course Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management.
College, Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management: Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases
Price: KES : 200
- Diet Therapy II Notes
These are the lecture notes for Diet Therapy 2, a unit taught in module 2 in the course of Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management.
College, Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management: Diet Therapy II
Price: KES : 200
- Diet Therapy I Notes
These are the lecture notes for Diet ttherapy 1,a unit taught in module 2 of certificate in nutrition and dietetics and module 2 of diploma in nutrition and dietetics management.
College, Certificate/Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management: Diet Therapy I
Price: KES : 200
- SCH 203 - Theory of Spectroscopic Methods Notes
UNIT 1 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 The Nature of Electromagnetic Radiation 2
1.3 The Electromagnetic Spectrum 3
1.4 Quantization of Energy 4
1.5 Mechanisms of Interaction between Matter and Electromagnetic...
Kenyatta University, Bachelor of Science: Theory of Spectroscopic Methods
Price: KES : 200
- BBM 224: Principles of Risk Management and Insurance Notes
This document is Principles of Risk Management and Insurance Notes,Mount Kenya University,Thika Main Campus.
The notes are suitable to a Bachelor's Degree,second year learner,Business Management Course.
The purpose of this notes is to introduce students to the concepts of risk management and...
Mount Kenya University, Bachelor of Business Management: Principles of Risk Management and Insurance
Price: KES : 100
- CCB 301: Entrepreneurship for Small Business Notes
University of Kabianga
CCB 301: Entrepreneurship for Small Business Notes
University of Kabianga, Entrepreneurship for Small Business: Entrepreneurship for Small Business
Price: KES : 200
- Diploma in Software Engineering Notes
Download software Engineering Notes
Introduction to Software Engineering
1.1 Process and Project
1.2 Software Components
1.3 Software Characteristics
1.4 Software Crisis
1.5 Software Engineering Processes
1.6 Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Models
1.6.1 Classical...
Kenya Institute of Business Studies, Diploma in Software Engineering : Introduction to software Engineering
Price: KES : 150
- Marketing Strategic Planning Process
Marketing Strategic Planning Process
A strategy is a comprehensive game plan used in accomplishing business goals and objectives. The key to successfully marketing your practice begins with developing a strategic marketing plan in which each activity is based on solid research and specific goals,...
Kibabii University, Marketing Strategic Planning Process: Marketing
Price: KES : 50
- BBM 225: Intermediate Macroeconomics Notes
This document is Intermediate Macroeconomics notes,Mount Kenya University,Thika Main Campus.
~Business Management Course.
~Bachelor's degree second year learner.
The purpose of this document is to prepare students in the field of planning and building economic,understanding national and world...
Mount Kenya University, bachelor of Business Management: Intermediate Macroeconomics
Price: KES : 100