- Control Systems Notes for Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Module II
Control Systems Notes for Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Module II. Ideal for students and teachers for KNEC Diploma Course.
College, Control Systems: Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Price: KES : 200
- MMA 303/MATH 304: Complex Analysis I Notes
Title: MMA 303 - Complex Analysis Notes
Unlock the mysteries of Complex Analysis with these comprehensive MMA 303 notes. Designed for students pursuing advanced mathematics, this set of notes delves into the intricacies of complex numbers, functions, and calculus. Covering...
University, Bachelor of Education: Complex Analysis
Price: KES : 60
- General Methods of Teaching Notes: Tom Mboya University
General Methods of Teaching
Ross stated that problem solving is an educated al device whereby the teacher and pupils attempts conscious
and planned purpose effort to active at an explanation or solution to same educational difficulty.
Students are presented with...
University, Bachelor of Education (Science): General Methods of Teaching
Price: KES : 20
- Industrial Organization and Management Notes For Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management
These are the lecture notes for Industrial Organization and Management, a unit taught in module 3 of Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management.
College, Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management: Industrial Organization and Management
Price: KES : 200
- Product Development, Marketing and Sales Notes For Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management
These are the lecture notes for Product Development, Marketing and Sales, a unit taught in module 3 of Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management.
College, Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management: Product Development, Marketing and sales
Price: KES : 200
- Community Partnership Skills Notes For Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management
These are the lecture notes for Community Partnership Skills, a unit taught in module 3 of Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management.
College, Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management: Community Partnership Skills
Price: KES : 200
- Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management: Nutrition in Emergencies Notes
These are the lecture notes for Nutrition in emergencies, a unit taught in module 3 of Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management.
College, Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management: Nutrition in Emergencies
Price: KES : 200
- Nutrition Assessment and Surveillance Notes
These are the lecture notes for Nutrition assessment and surveillance, a unit taught in module 3 of Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management.
College, Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management: Nutrition Assessment and Surveillance
Price: KES : 200
- GEP 113: General Pathology I Notes
Faculty of Clinical Sciences
Department of Orthopaedics & Trauma Medicine
Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery
Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery
Year 1
Semester 1
GEP 113: General Pathology I
Module Description
Concepts in general pathology: Terminologies, branches of...
KMTC, Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery: General Pathology I
Price: KES : 200
- DBA 101: Introduction to Business Notes
The Introduction to Business Course Unit has been designed to introduce you to the general issues in business, and therefore covers most of the areas in the bachelor of Commerce degree programme. It is divided into thirteen different lectures which progress from introduction and general overview of...
University of nairobi, Bachelor of Commerce: Introduction to Business
Price: KES : 200
- ATM 443: Kenyan Theatre Notes
Course Description:
1. History and development of theatre in Kenya
2. Cultural diversity and theatre
3. Indigenous theatre in Kenya: characteristic features
4. Theatre playwrights and plays in Kenya.
5. The creative economy and theatre in Kenya
6. Law, policy and theatre in Kenya: theatre...
Kenyatta University, Bachelor of Arts: Kenyan Theatre
Price: KES : 100
- Asymmetric war and emerging frontier in conflict resolution
The content properly and deeply explains the meaning of radicalization, religion and conflict. It goes ahead to describe two religions which are Christianity and Judaism and clearly explains the history of terrorism within the existence of the two religions. This are such as; crusades or holy war...
University, Asymmetric war and emerging frontier in conflict resolution: Asymmetric war and emerging frontier in conflict resolution
Price: KES : 250
- Causes of Poor Group Dynamics and the Ways of Solving Them
The notes clearly describes the meaning of group dynamics, meaning of group socialization and the stages of group socialization from the initial stage up to disintegration. Ways of resolving group dynamics are well described such as fostering group cooperation among others. A good conclusion and...
University, Group Dynamics and Stages of Group Socialization: Group Dynamics and Stages of Group Socialization
Price: KES : 200
- Detailed Description of the Project Life Cycle
The notes clearly describes what a project is, explanation of project management, the characteristics of a project are also properly described and the various cycles of a project from initiation up to completion or successful implementation. The various factors that results to project success...
University, Bachelor of Science in Conflict Resolution and Humanitarian Assistance : Project Planning and Management
Price: KES : 200
- MAT 201: Linear Algebra Notes (Handwritten Notes)
This is a compilation of linear algebra 1 and 2 notes which is taught in second year for the bachelor of science and bachelor of education
Kaimosi Friends university , Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Science: Linear Algebra
Price: KES : 800
- Certificate in Plumbing Complete Notes
Certificate in Plumbing Complete Notes
Specific objective
a. Narrate the history of plumbing trade
b. State relationship existing between plumbing and other building trades
What is plumbing: this is the systems of pipes, tanks, fittings, and other apparatus required...
College, Certificate in Plumbing: Plumbing
Price: KES : 100
- Workshop Technology Notes For Diploma in Building Technology/Civil Engineering
Diploma in Building Technology/Civil Engineering: Workshop Technology Notes.
At the end of this module/stage unit the trainee should be able to:
(a) Observe safety rules and regulations in the workshop
(b) Acquire knowledge of electrical engineering
(c) Create awareness of the human aspect of...
College, Diploma in Building Technology/Civil Engineering: Workshop Technology
Price: KES : 90
- Diploma in General Agriculture: Farm Management Notes
Farm management notes for agriculture students. Study with ease while grasping key points for both examination and future practice.
Session 3.1 The farmer and decision-making
Session 3.2 Resources and farm management
Session 3.3 Inputs, markets and farm management
Session 3.4 Risk,...
College, Diploma in General Agriculture: Farm Management
Price: KES : 100
- Diploma in Office Management: Fundamentals of Modern Office Management Notes
Diploma in office management notes for revision and teaching. This document has high quality notes for simple understanding of management and enables the learner to score with ease when it comes to KNEC examinations.
College, Diploma in Office Management.: Office Management
Price: KES : 80
- Soil Science II Notes: Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition
Specific objectives
By the end of this topic, the trainee should be able to:
a) Describe the essential nutrients, their forms and levels of availability
b) Describe the type s of organic fertilizers (manure)
c) Describe the various types of...
College, Diploma in General Agriculture: Soil Science II
Price: KES : 50
- Classification and characteristics of learners who are gifted and talented
Special Needs Education (SNE) course: Module 029 Management :. Classification and characteristics of learners who are Gifted and Talented
Diploma special needs education , Diploma in Special Needs Education: Management of education for children who are Gifted and Talented
Price: KES : 50
- EMP 414: Educational Planning Notes
Purpose of the unit
1. This unit is meant to familiarize learners with educational Planning as a discipline in its own right within the broad field of educational studies. Teacher trainees are being prepared for such tasks like teaching,...
University, Bachelor of Education: Educational Planning
Price: KES : 200
- Diploma in Primary Teacher Education: Child Growth and Development Notes
This course will help the learner conceptualize the process of growth and development from conception to early
childhood. It will give the learner the required knowledge, skills and attitudes towards expectant mother, infant,
toddlers and pre-scholars.
College, Diploma in Primary Teacher Education: Child Growth and Development
Price: KES : 100
- EMP 100: Principles and Practices of Teaching Notes
1. What is Teaching?
2. What is Teacher Education?
3. What are the characteristics of a good teacher?
4. What is a profession? i.e. characteristics of an ideal profession
5. Is teaching a profession?
What is Teaching?
- It is a process:
1. End product is...
University, Bachelor of Education : Principles and Practices of Teaching
Price: KES : 500
- CSC 202 Introduction to Programming Python Handwritten Notes
With this Handwritten Python Notes, you're not just buying a product; you're investing in your future. Python is a versatile language with endless opportunities, and our notes are the perfect gateway to mastering it.
Don't miss this chance to elevate your Python skills with these unique,...
University, Bachelor of Computer Science: Introduction to Programming
Price: KES : 250
- Introduction to Biostatistics Notes
Download Introduction to Biostatistics Notes.
College, Diploma & Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics: Introduction to Biostatistics
Price: KES : 500
- Food Safety and Hygiene Notes for Certificate and Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics
Food safety and hygiene notes for sale typically include educational materials and resources aimed at promoting safe food handling practices in various food-related settings. These notes provide information and guidance to individuals, businesses, and organizations to ensure that food is prepared,...
College, Diploma and Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics: Food Safety and Hygiene
Price: KES : 500
- Food Processing and Preservation Notes
The unit equip the learner with knowledge and skills of food processing and preservation, identify the sources of food contamination, determine sources of food spoilage and highlight appropriate methods of preventing food spoilage.
College, Nutrition and Dietetics: Food Processing and Preservation
Price: KES : 200
- Diploma in Teacher Education: Teaching and Learning Resources Notes
Every teacher has that aim of being the best teacher. To be the best teacher you need teaching learning resources to support your teaching-learning process. These lecture notes is aiming at helping teacher trainee to be the best in class of micro-teaching, teaching practice or in the actual field of...
College, Diploma in Teacher Education: Teaching and Learning Resources
Price: KES : 40
- Occupational Safety and Health Level 4, 5, and 6 Notes
DENNIS LUMBASI -0703159490
Summary of learning outcome
1. Identify workplace hazards and risk
2. Identify and implement appropriate control measures to hazard and risk
3. Implement OSH programs, procedure and...
College, Certificate/Diploma: Occupational Safety and Health
Price: KES : 400