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Grade 5 Social Studies End of Term 3 Exams 2022
Class: Grade 5
Subject: Social Studies
Level: Primary School
Exam Category: Grade 5 End Term 3 Exams
Document Type: Pdf
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Exam Summary
END TERM 3 2022
NAME…………………………………………………………………….GRADE ………………………….

1. What is the direction of the cattle dip from the church?_____________1mk
2. River Nyami flows from(1mk) ____________
3. Which vegetation is found on South west part of Utalii area?(1mk)
4. The main means of transport in the area is ____________________(1mk)
5. What is the main religion in the area? ________________________(1mk)
6. Write the word Tanzania in the right country on the map below(1mk)

7. Kenya has an area of ______________in square kilometres.
(579,367 km2, 580,367 km²) (1mk)
8. State three elements of a map(3mks)
9. Name two main physical features in kenya(2mks)
10. Distinguish between weather and climate(2mk) ___________________
11. Name three main language groups in Kenya(2mk) _______________________
12. What are the two function of deputy principle in the school management(2mk_____
13. State two benefit of dairy farming in Kenya(2mks)
14. Otieno a class 8 pupils was beaten to death by the teacher when he was found stealing teachers food in the staffroom. Which right was he denied?(1mks)
15. What are the two basic causes of road accident (2mk) ____________________________
16. Kamau a Ugandan citizen came to Kenya wants to change its citizenship, what should he do to acquire full citizenship in Kenya?(1mk)
17. Highlight the important basic symbol of national unity in Kenya(2mks)
18. How do we use maps in our daily lives?(1mk)
19. Mountains, hills, highlands, basins, valleys and plains are all ____________ features.(1mk)
20. Name the highest mountain in Kenya. ___________________(1mk)
21. Mount Kenya is the main water catchment area for two large rivers in Kenya; R.______________ the largest river in Kenya, and R._________(2mk)
22. Identify and name one physical feature in Kenya as follows:(4mks)

23. Name one factors that promote national unity in Kenya(1mk)
24. Discuss three characteristics of subsistence farming in Kenya (2mks)
25. List two elements of weather. (2mk)
26. __________________is a place where reading and recording of elements of weather is done (1mk)
27. Museums,monuments,cultural centres, and historical buildings are all called___________________(1mk)
28. State three importance of minerals in our kenya (3mks)
29. What is a National pack (2mks?)
30. State two types of democracy (2mks)
31. Name three arms of government (3mks)
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