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Form 1 CRE End of Term 3 Examination 2021

Class: Form 1

Subject: CRE

Level: High School

Exam Category: Form 1 End Term 3 Exams

Document Type: Pdf


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Exam Summary

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Answer FIVE questions in the answer booklet provided
1. a) Explain how the study of Christian Religious Education in secondary schools promotes national unity ( 5mks)

b) Identify Four differences between the African concept of evil and biblical concept of sin (8mks).

c) State seven ways in which human beings fail to carry out responsibilities given to them by God at creation

2. a. Describe the covenant ceremony between God and Abraham in Genesis 15:1 – 19 (7mks)

b. Explain the importance of God’s covenant with Abraham 8mks

c. Identify five examples of covenants made in Kenya today 5mks

3. (a) Explain how the early life of Moses prepared him for leadership. (7mks)

(b) Describe the breaking of the Sinai covenant by the Israelites (Exodus 32: 1- 35). (8mks)

(c) Outline five challenges faced by Christians while practicing their faith in Kenya. (5mks)

4. a) Outline Ways how King David is an ancestor of Jesus Christ. (7 marks)

b) State Ways King Ahab broke the covenant in the case of Naboth’s vineyard (6 marks)

c) Reasons why it has been difficult to fight the evil of Bribery and corruption in Kenya today. (7 marks)

5. a) Give reasons why observance of blood kinship is important in traditional African communities (6mks)

b) Identify seven occasions when prayers are offered in traditional African communities (7mks)

c) In which ways do traditional African communities seek reconciliation with God (7mks)

6. a) Identify seven moral values taught to youth during initiation period in Traditional African communities (7marks)

b). State the traditional African practices which demonstrated their belief in life after death (7marks)

c) Give six changes which have taken place in Land ownership today (6 marks)


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