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History and Government Form 1 End of Term 2 Examination 2019
Class: Form 1
Subject: History and Government
Level: High School
Exam Category: Form 1 End Term 2 Exams
Document Type: Pdf
Views: 1130
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Exam Summary
History and Government Form 1 End of Term 2 Examination 2019
This file contains questions and the Marking scheme in it. Below is a preview of the questions
NB All answers to be written in the space provided (80 MARKS)
1. a) Identify three ways in which early man used stone tools. (3mks)
b) Described the way of life of Early Human beings during the Old Stone Age period. (12mks)
2. a) Name three main cash crops that were grown in North America during the Agrarian Revolution. (3mks)
b) Explain six factors which promoted plantation farming in Europe during the Agrarian Revolution. (12mks)
3. a) Give five reasons for the migration of the Luo from their original homeland into Kenya. (5mks)
b) Explain five results of the migration of the cushites into Kenya during the pre-colonial period. (10mks)
4. a) What factors influenced Seyyid Said’s decision to transfer his capital to Zanzibar. (3mks)
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