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Form English Paper 1 End of Term 2 Exam 2021 Version 2
Class: Form 4
Subject: English
Level: High School
Exam Category: Form 4 End Term Exams
Document Type: Pdf
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Exam Summary
Paper 1
2 Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
Instructions to Students
a) Write your name and index no. In the space provided.
b) Sign and write the date of the exam in the space provided.
c) Answer all the questions in the paper.
d) All your answers must be written in the space provided.
1. You are the secretary of the Young Youths Farmers Club in your school. In consultation with the chair, you called a meeting for 22nd, August 2021, at 3.00pm. Out of a total membership of fifteen, ten attended, four absent with apologies, and one does not sent any apology. (20marks)
The following are the agenda.
1. Preliminaries
2. Confirmation of minutes of the previous meeting.
3. Matters arising
4. Negotiations with the bursar for the purchase of vegetables
5. Schedules for the harvesting of the vegetables
6. Formula for sharing the income
7. A.O.B
Record the minutes of the meeting, giving details of discussions and resolutions made.
2. Cloze test (10marks)
Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word. (20marks)
Every year, the government 1 hundreds of millions of shillings in tax revenue . 2 ___________smuggling. Dumping of sub-standard goods 3 __________counterfeit products poses another 4 threat 5 ____________the stability of the economy. Local traders say smuggling 6 _______________further fueled by economic growth registered in the last two years. They attribute this 7 to rising demand for imported goods, especially electronic 8 cars and petroleum products. And while import volumes 9 ¬¬¬¬¬¬-__________increased substantially in the past two years, facilities and equipment 10 ____________the Kilindini harbour, Mombasa and Kenyatta international Airport (JKIA) are overstretched.
3. Oral skills (30marks)
a) Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.
The Seed Shop
Here in a quiet and dusty room they lie,
Faded as crumbled stone or shifting sand,
Forlorn as ashes, shriveled scentless dry,
Meadows and gardens running through my hand.
In this brown husk a dale of hawthorn dreams,
A cedar in this narrow cell is thrust,
That will drink deeply of century's streams,
These lilies shall make summer on my dust,
Here in their safe and simple house of death,
Sealed in their shells, a million roses leap,
Here I can blow a garden with my breath,
And in my hand a forest lie asleep.
i. Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem above. (2 marks)
ii. What is the effect of the rhythm in the poem (1marks)
iii. How else has the poet achieved the effect in( ii) above?(4marks)
iv. Which words would you stress in the last line of stanza 1 and why?(3marks)
b) For each of the set of words below, underline the odd one out. (3marks)
i. Cough Bought Dough
ii. Think Thy Thigh
iii. Not Note Knot
c) Provide another word that is pronounced the same way for each of the words listed below. (3marks)
i. Bean -
ii. Wear -
iii. One -
d) For each of these words make two sentences to bring the differences in their meaning. (4marks)
i. Beat
ii. Produce
e) Read the conversation below between Judy and a Peer Counselor and then answer the questions that follow. (6marks)
Peer counselor: (Mentioning her to a sit?). Hallo Judy. How are you getting on?
Please have a seat and don’t be anxious.
Judy: Don’t tell me it’s all over school now. I will kill you...
Peer Counselor: (Interrupting) Please relax. Well, you swore me into secrecy and I have kept my part of the again. No cause of alarm.
Judy: So then, why do you want to see me? You mean it can show?
Peer Counselor: Calm down, you are just in early stages and please keep up appearances. The school closes next month.
Judy: (Looking disturbed). One month and the whole world will know. I need to procure...
Peer Counselor: Don’t even go there.... will you be able to live with the guilt? Remember things can also go wrong and you die.
Judy: (Visibly agitated) Then, tell me what to do.
Peer Counselor: Please calm down. All is not lost. You just tripped; You never fell. These days Judy, girls are accepted back to school after giving birth so you need not worry. All will be fine. In the meantime, just relax for your baby.
Judy: (Sighs) Thank you for being there for me. Remember not a word to a soul.
Peer Counselor: You can trust me Judy, Good day.
Judy: Good day.
i. How does the peer counselor establish good rapport with Judy? (2marks)
ii. What good conversational skills does the peer counselor portray? (2marks)
iii. Identify two shortcomings in Judy's speech (2marks)
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