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Form 4 Agriculture Paper 1 End of Term 2 Exams 2021
Class: Form 4
Subject: Agriculture
Level: High School
Exam Category: Form 4 End Term Exams
Document Type: Pdf
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Exam Summary
NAME ………………………………………………………… DATE…………………………
TIME: 2 Hours
Answer all questions in this section in the spaces provided
1 a) Give TWO characteristics of intensive farming system (1mk)
b) State TWO advantages of mixed cropping (1mk)
2. State TWO roles of humus in the soil
3. List FOUR effects of temperature on crop growth
4. Diagram below shows an experiment carried out by Form 1 students. Study and answer the questions that follows.
a) What is the objective of the experiment …………………………………… (1/2mks)
b) What observation should be made after 12 hours in flask A and B(1mk)
A ……………………………………………
B ……………………………………………
c) Give the reason for your observation
5. Give THREE factors that determines the depth of ploughing in land preparation
6 a) What is minimum tillage? (1mk)
(b) Give FOUR practices that encourages minimum tillage (2mks)
7 a) State TWO types of irrigation carried out in Kenya (1mk)
(b) List FOUR uses of water on the farm (2mks)
8. Give THREE reasons for keeping health record in the farm (11/2mks)
9. The diagram below shows a method of soil sampling
a) Name the method illustrated above …………………………………………………………………………………………(1/2mk)
b) State THREE precautions taken when collecting a soil sample (11/2mks)
c) Give FOUR reasons for testing soil .(2mks)
10. State TWO reasons for seed treatment (1mk)
11. .Give TWO factors that determine spacing of beans (1mk)
12. State FOUR benefits of farmer having land tittle deed (2mk)
13. List THREE materials that can be used to construct a gabion .(1 1/2mks)
14. List FOUR harmful effects of crop pests (2mks)
15. Give FOUR ways by which a farmer can improve labour productivity on the farm (2mks)
16. Differentiate between cropping and harvesting in fish farming (2mks)
17. Give THREE factors that determine the quality of shading forage (3mks)
18. State four characteristics of extensive farming systems (2mks)
19. State TWO factors that determine selectivity of herbicides (2mks)
20. Give TWO factors affecting the quality of hay (2mks)
21. State four physical factors in soil formation (2mks)
22. State four factors that determine the depth of planting. (3mks)
23. State four harmful effects ticks on livestock. (2mks)
Answer Any TWO questions in this section
24 (a) Explain FIVE cultural methods of pest control (10mks)
(b) Outline FIVE factors considered in timely planting of annual crops (10mks)
25 (a) Outline the process of land Adjudication (5mks)
(b) Discuss five reasons for carrying out minimum tillage. ( 5 marks)
(c). Explain 5 ways in which soil losses fertility. ( 10 marks)
26 (a) Describe seven field management practices in tomato production. ( 7marks)
b. Outline five factors that determine water requirements in an animal’s body. ( 5 marks)
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