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Form 3 Agriculture Paper 2 End of Term 2 Exams 2021
Class: Form 3
Subject: Agriculture
Level: High School
Exam Category: Form 3 End Term 2 Exams
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Exam Summary
Time 2 Hours
1. Name the two types of bees (1mk)
2. Define the following terms as used in livestock production (1 ½ mks)
a) Dehorning
b) Culling
c) Parturition
3. State four reasons why a farmer should strive to keep livestock healthy (2mks)
4. Outline the effects of parasites on their hosts (3mks)
5. Give two importance of water in an animal’s body (1mk)
6. Give two examples of equipment that a livestock farmer can use in administering oral anthelmintic (1mk)
7. Differentiate between flushing and steaming up. (1mk)
8. (a) Name a dual purpose cattle breed reared in Kenya (½mk )
(b) Outline four general characteristics of indigenous cattle breed (2mks)
9. Name four breeds of dairy goats (2mks)
10. State four ways of controlling tsetse flies (2mks)
11. List the methods of selection in livestock (1½ mks)
12. Give three types of bees found in a colony (1½ mks)
13. List three advantages of hoof trimming in sheep production (1½ mks)
14. State two uses of a foot bath in cattle dip (1mk)
15. State six routes through which disease causing organisms can enter into an animal’s body
16. (a) State three characteristics of succulent roughages (1½ mks)
(b) Name two types of concentrates (1mk)
17. State, four features of a good calf-pen (2mks)
18. (a) Below are farm tools, study them and answer the questions that follows:-

(i) Name the tools labeled M, N, O, P Q (212mks)
(ii) Give one functional advantage of tool M over N (1mk)
(iii) State the uses of each tool named in (i) above (2½ mks)
M -
N -
O -
P -
Q -
19. Study the diagram below and then answer the questions that follows:-

a) Identify the parasite shown above (1mk)
b) Name the livestock species attacked by the parasite above (1½ mks)
c) How does the above parasite obtain it’s food from the host? (1mk)
d) What are the harmful effects of the parasite you have mentioned in (a) above?
e) How would a farmer control the above parasite (2mks)
20. Study the illustrations of a farm structure below and answer the questions that follows:

(i) Name the parts labeled A, B, C, D (4mks)
A -
B -
C -
D -
(ii) State the function of the part labeled E (1mk)
(iii) State three maintenance practices carried out on the roof of a farm structure (3mks)
21. (a) Outline the importance of fences in the farm. (10mks)
(b) Give two methods used for ration computation (2mks)
(c) A ration containing 18% protein is to be made from maize and sunflower cake. Given that maize contains 7% protein, and sunflower seed cake 34% protein. Use Pearson square method to calculate the value of feedstuffs to be used to prepare 200Kgs of the feed. (3mks)
(d ) Give five differences between digestion of a ruminant and a non-ruminant animal (5mks)
22. (a) Outline the life cycle of a three host tick (10mks)
(b) State five effects of tick to livestock (5mks)
(c) Howe can a farmer control ticks in livestock production? (5mks)
23. (a) Explain five factors considered when selecting a breeding stock (10mks)
(b) With a well labeled diagram, describe egg formation in a hen (10mks)
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