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Form 3 Agriculture Paper 1 End of Term 2 Exams 2021

Class: Form 3

Subject: Agriculture

Level: High School

Exam Category: Form 3 End Term 2 Exams

Document Type: Pdf


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Exam Summary

SECTION A (Answer all the questions)
1. Define the term Agriculture. 1mk

2. Give the meaning of the following terms as used in Agricultural Production. 1½mks
i. Olericulture………………………

ii. Pomoculture……………………

iii. Floriculture………………………

3. State four advantages of mixed farming. 2mks

4. State four importance of Agriculture. 2mks

5. Give four ways in which Health influence Agricultural production. 2mks

6. State three negative effects of wind in crop production. 1½mks

7. State four aspects of rainfall that influence agricultural production. 2mks

8. Differentiate between the following terms. 3mks
i. Soil in “situ” and soil in deposition.

ii. Soil structure and soil texture

iii. Mixed cropping and mixed farming.

9. Give two reasons why burning is discouraged as a method of clearing land .(1mk)

10. State three tertiary operations that are carried out in the farm. 1½mks

11. Give three importance of carrying out minimum tillage 1½mks

12. State four importance of drainage in Agriculture 2mks

13. Give three reasons as to why green manure is not commonly used. 1½mks

14. State three basic concept of economics. 1½mks

15. State four roles of Nitrogen in plants.2mks

16. Outline three characteristics of Nitrogenous fertilizers. 1½mks

17. State three importance of testing soil. 1½mks

18. Give two areas to be avoided when carrying out soil sampling. 1mk

SECTION B(Answer all the questions in this section)
19. The following is a diagram of a certain crop. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.

I. Identify the crop ……………………………… 1mk
II. Label the parts labeled A, B and C. 1½mks
III. Why is the part labeled A more preferred when propagating the above crop. 1mk

IV. State four factors to be considered when selecting materials for planting. 2mks

V. State four factors which determine the depth of planting. 2mks

20. The following is a pruned crop. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follows.

i. Identify the method of pruning. 1mk

ii. Give four disadvantages of using the above method of pruning. 2mks

iii. Apart from the above give any other method of pruning coffee. 1mk
iv. State four factors which determine the time of harvesting crops. 2mks

21. The following are soil erosion control structures .Study the diagrams and answer the questions that follows.

i. Identify the structures 2mks


ii. Give two ways in which structure E will control soil erosion. 1mks

22. The following are diagrams of common weeds in Kenya.

i. Identify the above weeds. 2mks
ii. What is the economic importance of weed 1½mks

(Answer any TWO questions in this section.)
23. Describe the tomato production under the following the heading.
a. Ecological requirement 3mks

b. Transplanting 5mks

c. Field practices 5mks


d. Diseases and their control. 4mks

e. Harvesting 3mks

24. (a) Describe the nursery management practices. 6mks

(b) Outline five objectives of land reform. 5mks

(c) State and explain five factors which determine the effectiveness of a herbicide. 5mks

(d) State four precaution measures that one should take when using any chemical in the farm. 4mks

25. (a) State five advantages of landlordism and tenancy system of land tenure. 5mks

(b) State and explain five factors which determine the spacing of any crop. 5mks

(c) State and explain five cultural methods of controlling soil erosion. (10mks)


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