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Form 1 Agriculture End of Term 2 Exams 2021
Class: Form 1
Subject: Agriculture
Level: High School
Exam Category: Form 1 End Term 2 Exams
Document Type: Pdf
Views: 1510
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Exam Summary
INSTRUCTION: Answer ALL the questions
1. Give two reasons why Agriculture is looked as a science. (2mks)
2. a) What are the advantages of organic farming? (2mks)
b) What is mixed farming? (1mk)
3. a) Give four reasons why Agriculture considered important in Kenya’s economy. (4mks)
b) What is plantation farming. (1mk)
4. State two effect of HIV/AIDS on agriculture. (1mk)
5. a) State the difference between soil structure and texture. (2mks)
6. a) What is soil profile? (2mks)
b) Describe the components of a well-developed soil profile. (5mks)
7. Place the following tools in their respective categories and state their uses. (10mks)
a) Panga
b) Shovel
c) Pick axe
d) Garden line
e) Wheelbarrow
f) Sprayer
g) Ripsaw
h) Tape measure
i) Scraper
j) Marking gauge
8. a) State the reasons for preparing land before planting. (4mks)
b) What is a seedbed? (1mk)
9. Give reasons why the burning of Bushes as a methods of land cleaning should be discouraged. (2mks)
10. (a)What is ridging? (1mk)
b) Give reasons why the following operations are carried out in crop production;
i) Rolling. (1mk)
ii) Levelling. (1mk)
11. State the main sources of water on the farm. (3mks)
b) State the methods of water collection and storage in the farm. (3mks)
c) What are the four reasons for treating water for human consumption. (2mks)
12. a) What is;
i) Drainage. (1mk)
ii) Pollution. (1mk)
b) i) List six different types of drainage. (3mks)
ii) Describe the agricultural practices which lead to water pollution. (2mks)
13. a) Define the term soil fertility. (2mks)
b) State the characteristics of a fertile soil. (5mks)
14. a) What is the importance of organic matter in the soil? (5mks)
b) What are the functions of the following in the preparation of compost manure? (3mks)
i) Topsoil
iii) Wood ash
iv) The layer of manure
15. Discuss the importance of livestock to a Kenyan farmer. (21/2mks)
16. List the characteristics of a dairy cow. (21/2mks)
17. a) Differentiate between the following breeds of livestock.
i) New Zealand white and Californian white. (2mks)
ii) Large white and landrace. (2mks)
18. What is the color of each of the following breeds of livestock?
a) Wessex saddle backs. (½ mk)
b) Toggenburg (½ mk)
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