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Form 2 Agriculture End of Term 2 Exams 2021

Class: Form 2

Subject: Agriculture

Level: High School

Exam Category: Form 2 End Term 2 Exams

Document Type: Pdf


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Exam Summary

NAME………………………………………………………………… ADM. ………………….CLASS ……..

END OF TERM 2. 2021


- This paper has two section A and B
- Answer all questions in these sections in the spaces provided after the questions.

1. State main categories of parasites (1mk)

2. State four importance of water treatment. (2mks)

3. Mention 3 major sources of water on the farm. (11/2mks)

4. State four ways in which nitrogen is removed from the atmosphere (2mks)

5. State the intermediate hosts of the following parasites. (2mks)
(i) Tapeworm(Taeniaspp)

(ii) Liver fluke

6. State 3 forms of soil water. (11/2mks)

7. State four vector-borne diseases affecting farm animals. (2mks)

8. State the plant part used for vegetative propagation in the following plants. (2mks)
i) Pyrethrum

ii) Sisal

iii) Pineapples

iv) Tea

9. State four pests commonly found in tomatoes. (2mks)

10. State any four post-harvest practices in crop production. (2mks)

11. Differentiate between soil texture and soil structure (2mks)
Soil texture

Soil structure

12. State four factors influencing soil formation. (2mks)

13. List four factors that influence the rate of respiration in an animal. (2ms)

14. State four factors that influence crop rotation (2mks)

15. Give the term used to describe the following livestock. (4mks)
(i) Mature male cattle

(ii) Mature castrated male cattle

(iii) A mature female pig after first parturition

(iv) Mature female bird

16. Differentiate between gapping and rogueing (2mks)


17. State four characteristics of plants used as green manure. (2mks)

18. Differentiate between over-sowing and under-sowing. (2mks)

Under- sowing

19. State four factors that determine spacing in crop production (2mks)

20. State four divisions of livestock farming. (2mks)

21. (a) State the two classes of phylum Arthropod a with most ecto-parasites (2mks)

(b) State four characteristics of an effective acaricide (2mks)

(c) Name two types of labour records. (2mks)

(d) Name two minor pests in tomato production (1mk)

22. State the causal organism of the following diseases. (2mks)
a) Mastitis

b) Rinderpest

c) Redwater

d) Foot and mouth

23. a) State four methods of fertilizer application

b) Define the term agriculture. (1mk)

c).State four factors that determine the type of irrigation (2mks)

e) Differentiate between seed dressing and seed inoculation (2mks)

Seed dressing

Seed inoculation

24. a) Differentiate between mixed farming and agroforestry (2mks)
Mixed farming


b) State four factors within the animal that may pre-dispose it to a disease. (2mks)

c) State the lacking mineral in the following disorders. (2mks)
(i) Anaemia in piglets

(ii) Osteomalacia

(iii)Milk fever

(iv)Swayback in lambs

25. A farmer with one hectare of land requires 40kg of Nitrogen (N) on his farm. He applied CAN which costs shs 35 per kg. 100kg of CAN contain 20kg N.
(a) Calculate the amount of C.A.N the farmer requires (2mks)

(b) How much will a farmer with one and a half hectares spend to apply in his farm? (1mk)

(c) Name two types of compound fertilizers used by farmers. (2mks)

26. Study the diagrams below of farm tools and equipment and answer the questions that follow.


(i) Name the tools labeled M, N, O, P Q (2mks)

(ii) Give one functional advantage of tool M over N (1mk)

(iii) State the uses of each tool named in (i) above (2½ mks)
M -
N -
O -
P -
Q -

27. The diagram below shows a livestock parasite


a) Identify the parasite shown above (1mk)

b) Name the livestock species attacked by the parasite above (1 mks)

c) How does the above parasite obtain it’s food from the host? (1mk)

d) What are the harmful effects of the parasite you have mentioned in (a) above?

28. State five effects of ticks to livestock (5mks


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