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Grade 5 Social Studies End of Term 2 Exams 2021

Class: Grade 5

Subject: Social Studies

Level: Primary School

Exam Category: Grade 5 End Term 2 Exams

Document Type: Pdf


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Exam Summary

TERM 2 2021


1. Draw and label the four cardinal points of a compass. (4 marks)

2. List 2 uses of a compass direction. (2 marks)

3. In which Sub- County is your school located? (1 mark)

4. Name 2 other countries that neighbour Kenya (2 marks)

5. Name the physical features with the following features. (2 marks)
a. It meanders like a snake.

b. It is raised and makes a triangle shape.

6. Draw a clear diagram of rift valley formation. (3 marks)

7. Name the four seasons of the year. (4 marks)

8. What is interdependence?

(2 marks)
9. What are the benefits of interdependence? (2 marks)

10. Different people in your country eat differently, dress differently among others. This is called ? (2 marks)
11. Write your school motto:

(2 marks)
12. Name three activities that people do in the country to generate income or money. (3 marks)

13. Mention any two methods of trade used in your country. (2 marks)

14. State any two community leaders you know. (2 marks)

15. What are the rights of a child that you know? (2 marks)

16. List two ways in which a county government gets money to operate or give services to its citizens. (2 marks)

17. Who is the head of a county in Kenya? (1 mark)

18. How do you practice democracy in your school? (3 marks)


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