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Grade 5 Mathematics End of Term 2 Exams 2021
Class: Grade 5
Subject: Mathematics
Level: Primary School
Exam Category: Grade 5 End Term 2 Exams
Document Type: Pdf
Views: 1888
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Exam Summary
TERM 2 2021
1. The population of people living in a certain county is 686234. What is the place value of digit 4 in the number? (2 marks)
2. What is the total value of digit 4 in the number 48021? (2 marks)
3. Write the following number in words. 245 396. (2 Marks)
4. The mass of millet in kilograms sold by six large scale farmers was:
23 460, 45 850, 17 690, 54 670, 36 420, 84 001
Arrange the mass of millet in a descending order. (2 marks)
5. Roundoff the following numbers to the nearest 1000
a. 2978 (1 mark)
b. 7400 (1 mark)
c. 92 346 (1 mark)
6. Kennedy had sh 55 to share among his 5 friends equally.
a. How much money did each friend get? (2 marks)
b. Is sh 55 divisible by 5? (1 mark)
7. List the divisors of the number below. (2 marks)
8. What is the LCM of 9, 8 and 12 (2 marks)
9. Add the numbers below (1 mark)
4560 + 345 =
10. Subtract the numbers below (1 mark)
32103 – 234 =
11. Multiply the following number (1 mark)
34 × 5 =
12. Divide (2 marks)
21 ÷ 3
13. Convert the following mixed fraction into improper fractions (2 marks)
14. Convert 123 meters into Centimeters (2 marks)
15. Solve the below algebraic equation (2 marks)
2a + 3b+ 4a =
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