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Form 3 Paper 2 Geography End of Term 2 Exams 2021

Class: Form 3

Subject: Geography

Level: High School

Exam Category: Form 3 End Term 2 Exams

Document Type: Pdf


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Exam Summary



a) This paper consists of two sections: A and B.
b) Answer ALL the questions in section A. in section B, answer question 6 and any two other questions.
c) All answers must be written in the answer booklet provided.

1. (a) Define the term ‘photograph’ (2 mks)
(b) List three limitations of using photographs. (3 mks)

2. (a) State the three types of fieldwork. (3 mks)
(b) List three ways through which data may be presented. (3 mks)

3. (a) What is mining? (2 mks)
(b) Name three methods of underground mining. (3 mks)

4. (a) What is forestry? (2 mks)
(b) Name the three major natural forests of the world. (3 mks)

5. (a) State the two characteristics of both primary and secondary data. (2 mks)
(b) Write down two methods that can be used in taking measurements as a method of collecting data.
(2 mks)

Answer question 6 and any other two questions from this section.
6. (Compulsory)
You intend to carry out a field study on the weather experienced in the locality of your school.
(a) (i) State four ways you would prepare for the study. (4 mks)
(ii) State two hypothesis for the study. (2 mk)
(iii) Describe how you would use the rain gauge during the study. (4 mks)
(iv) State how you would record the information while in the field. (2 mks)
(b) What is the importance of a reconnaissance in field work. (5 mks)
(c) State two advantages and two disadvantages of observation as a method of data collection. (4 mks)
(d) State four factors that must be considered when preparing a questionnaire. (4 mks)

7. (a) Explain how the following factors influence the exploitation of minerals.
i. Technology (2 mks)
ii. Quality of the ore (2 mks)
iii. Accessibility (2 mks)
(b) Explain four factors which influence the occurrence of minerals. (8 mks)
(c) Name the minerals found in the following areas in East Africa. (5 mks)
(i) Kariandusi –
(ii) Kerio valley – (iii)Mwadui – (iv)Ruhuhu valley –
(v) Tororo -
(d). Explain three ways in which minerals contribute to the economy of Kenya. (6 mks)

8. (a) What is ‘dead ground’ in photograph work? (2 mks)
(b) Give two differences between aerial photographs and ground photographs. (4 mks)
(c) Below are the nine parts of a photograph, name the parts marked A, B, C and D. (4 mks)
Capture 1.PNG
(d) Name the three types of ground photographs. (3 mks)
(e) Describe the clues that may be used to interpret the following in a photograph:-
i. Relief of an area. (3 mks)
ii. Drainage of an area. (3 mks)
iii. Industrial and mining activities. (3 mks)
(f) State three advantages of photographs. (3mks)

9. (a) What is statistical data? (2 mks)
(b) Name the two types of questionnaires. (2 mks)
(c) State two disadvantages of interviews as a method of data collection. (2 mks)
(d) List the three types of sampling. (3 mks)
(e) Study the data in the table below and answer the questions that follow.
Capture 2.PNG

i. Calculate the percentage increase in values of each export commodity between the years 2003 and 2004. (6 mks)
ii. On a graph paper, draw a comparative line graph to represent the data in the table above. (6 mks)
iii. What two conclusions about the three commodities can you draw from the graph? (2 mks)
iv. State two advantages of using comparative line graphs. (2 mks)

10. (a) Distinguish between indigenous forests and planted forests. (4 mks)
(b) Explain how the following factors influence the distribution of natural forests. (6 mks)
i. Temperature
ii. Altitude
iii. Soils
(c) State four characteristics of temperate hardwood forests. (4 mks)
(d) Explain three factors that favour the development of softwood forests in Canada. (6 mks)
(e) State five problems facing forestry in Kenya. (5 mks)


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