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Form 4 Physics Paper 3 Confidential End of Term 2 Exams 2021

Class: Form 4

Subject: Physics

Level: High School

Exam Category: Form 4 End Term 2 Exams

Document Type: Pdf


Views: 945     Downloads: 4

Exam Summary


Question 1
1. Rectangular glass block.
2. Optical pins.
3. Soft board.
4. Protractor
5. 30cm ruler.
6. Plain paper
7. Plane mirror
8. Some dry sand.
9. Water in a measuring cylinder labelled L.
10. Vernier calipers. (To be shared).
11. Half metre rule.
12. Tissue paper.
13. Weighing machine (to be shared).
14. A boiling tube

Question 2
1. 250ml beakers.
2. Bunsen burner.
3. Thermometers.
4. Tripod stand and wire gauze.
5. Stopwatch
6. Measuring cylinder (100ml) and water.


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