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Grade 3 Mathematics Activities End of Term 2 Examination 2021

Class: Grade 3

Subject: Mathematics Activities

Level: Primary School

Exam Category: Grade 3 End Term 2 Exams

Document Type: Pdf


Views: 1110     Downloads: 11

Exam Summary


Count in 3’s forward
1. 3,6,9,12 -------- , --------

2. 45 , 48 -------,--------

3. 101,104 ,107 ----------- ,----------

Write the shortest form of the position of the following numbers
4. A third ---------

5. First -----------

6. Second

Name the shapes

Read and write word
8. 48--------------------------------------------

9. 53---------------------------------------------

10. 2+4+4 = ---------

11. 102+84 = --------

12. 657+52 = --------

Add by breaking apart
13. 36+7=

18 + ----------- = 36

Subtract by breaking apart
14. 93 – 8 =

100 - ----- = 93

Work out
15. 9*10 =

16. 4 divided by 2 =

17. May is ----------------- month of the year

Write the next two numbers of the pattern
18. 104, 103 , 102 ----------, --------

19. 76, 79 , 82 -------------, ----------

How many hundreds, tens and ones
20. 4 = ---------hundreds -------tens --------ones

21. 208 = --------hundreds -------tens -------- ones

Write the place3 value of digit four in the following numbers
22. 417 -----------------------------------

23. 9048 ----------------------------------

24. A class has 50 pupils , 13 were absent how many pupils were present ----------------------------

25. 1 hour has --------------------- minutes

26. How many day are there in one year --------------------------

27. Mary was sent to buy 132 eggs , 4 broke on the way , how Many eggs was she left with ------------------------------

28. How many quarters are there in a quarter ------------------------------

Work out
29. ¼ of 16 =

30. ½ of 20 =

31. What is the difference between of 89 and 40 ---------------------------------------

Write less than or greater than
32. 5 litres is -------------------------- 8 litres

33. 6 litres is ----------------------------3 litres

34. 2 litres is --------------------------3 litres

Write the following in figures
35. Three hundred and nine -------------------

36. Fifty seven ---------------------------

37. Thirty nine -------------------------

38. Oluoch had 400 bags of maize .Her sister Mary gave him 47 more bags of maize. how many bags did Oluoch have altogether

Work out
39. 13 + ------- = 67

40. ------ + 34 = 160

41. 37 - -------- = 10

42. Odhiambos family uses 3 litres of milk every day. How many litres will they use in two weeks -------------------------

43. We measure capacity in ---------------

44. Walter is carrying 3 Hens each is having a mass of 5 kg. what is the total mass of the Hens -------

45. Juliet has 500 shillings note , how many 100 notes does she have ------------------

46. Work out
1361 + 2364 = ----------------------

47. Fifty four mangoes were packed equally in nine equal baskets .How many mangoes were there in each box ------------------------------------------------------

48. Work out 24 divide by 4 ------------------

49. 12 kg + 32 kg = ----------------

50. Name the shape below
r2.JPG -------------------------------


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