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Form 4 End of Term 2 Christian Religious Education Paper 2 Exam 2021
Class: Form 4
Subject: CRE
Level: High School
Exam Category: Form 4 End Term 2 Exams
Document Type: Pdf
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Exam Summary
PAPER 2 313/2
Answer FIVE questions in the answer booklet provided
1. (a) Outline Zechariah’s message about John the Baptist in the Benedictus. (7mks)
(b) State the similarities between the works of John the Baptist and that of Jesus Christ. (8mks)
(c) With appropriate examples from the book of Luke, give six lessons Christians learn from the life of John the Baptist. (6mks)
2. (a) Describe the incident when Jesus healed a man possessed by a demon in a synagogue
at Capernaum (Luke 4: 31- 37) (7 mks)
(b) State seven qualities of a disciple of Jesus taught in the sermon on the plain. (7mks)
(c) State six challenges facing Christianity today. (6mks)
3. (a) Relate the healing of centurions servants Lk 7: 1-10. (8mks)
(b) With reference to the parable of the rich fool. Explain seven teachings of Jesus on material possession. (7mks)
(c) Identify five leadership qualities demonstrated by the centurion during the healing of his servant. (5mks)
4. (a) Explain the criteria for discerning the gifts of the Holy Spirit. (6mks)
(b) Outline eight characteristics of love according to 1 Corinthians 13. (8mks)
(c) Mention six ways in which the gift of healing is abused in Kenya today. (6mks)
5. (a) State the factors that lead to sexual immorality among the youth today. (8mks)
(b) Explain the Christian teaching on human sexuality. (8mks)
(c) In which ways does drug abuse contribute to irresponsible sexual behavior (4mks)
6. (a) Give the reasons why people work today. (7mks)
(b) Outline ways in which an employer can make the work of employees enjoyable. (7mks)
(c) Identify the life skills that are useful for personality development. (7mks)
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