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Form 3 End of Term 2 Christian Religious Education Paper 1 Exam 2021

Class: Form 3

Subject: CRE

Level: High School

Exam Category: Form 3 End Term 2 Exams

Document Type: Pdf


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Exam Summary

PAPER 1 313/1
Answer FIVE questions in the answer booklet provided
1. (a) Identify the teachings about human beings from the Biblical creation accounts. (7 marks)
(b) State six reasons why the Bible had to be compiled into its present form by early Christians. (6 marks)
(c) Outline seven occasions when Christians use the Bible. (7 marks)

2. (a) Explain the meaning of the symbolic objects and acts used by the Hebrews on the night of exodus. (7 marks)
(b) Relate the covenant ceremony between God and Abraham. Genesis 15:1-19. (7 marks)
(c) Give six reasons why church leaders in Kenya take vows before starting their mission. (6 marks)

3. (a) Mention seven ways how King David is an ancestor of Jesus Christ. (7 marks)
(b) Outline six ways how King Ahab broke the covenant in the case of Naboth’s vineyard (6 marks)
(c) State seven reasons why it has been difficult to fight the evil of Bribery and corruption in Kenya today. (7 marks)

4. (a) Outline seven roles of prophets in the Old Testament. (7 marks)
(b) State seven teachings of Prophet Amos about the Day of the Lord. (7 marks)
(c) Identify six forms of hypocrisy in the church in Kenya today. (6 marks)

5. (a) Outline Jeremiah’s teaching about the New Covenant. (7 marks)
(b) State seven teachings of Jeremiah on Judgment and Punishment. (7 marks)
(c) Identify the evils that Church leaders condemn today. (6 marks)

6. (a) State any seven roles of ancestors traditional African society. (7 marks)
(b) Identify the importance of naming in traditional African society. (7 marks)
(c) What are some of the factors that affect initiation rites today? (6 marks)


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