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Form 3 Business Studies Paper 2 End of Term 1 Exams 2021

Class: Form 3

Subject: Business Studies

Level: High School

Exam Category: Form 3 End Term 1 Exams

Document Type: Pdf


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Exam Summary

Name…………………………………………………………………. Adm No………………

PAPER 2 565/2
Answer FIVE questions in the answer booklet provided
1 a) Describe five features of economic resources (10marks)
b) Explain five internal economies of scale that a firm can enjoy as its scale of production increases. (10marks)

2. a) Explain five important of filing documents in an organization (10marks)
b) Explain five factors that determine the size of a firm (10marks)

3. a) Discuss any five circumstances under which an insured may not be compensated in the event of a loss. (10mks)
b) Explain any five limitations of advertising goods in newspapers (10marks)

4. a) Explain circumstances under which hire purchase may be used to acquire goods and services (10 marks)
b) Explain five factors that are likely to lead to high birth rate in Kenya. (10 marks)

5. a)Explain five challenges that may be faced by a producer who sells goods directly to consumers. ( 10 marks)
b) A trader want to place an order to his suppliers. Explain five factors that he should consider before choosing the appropriate means of communication. (10 marks)

6a) Differentiate between life assurance and property insurance (10marks)
b) Explain five circumstances under which personal selling may be most appropriate. (10 marks)


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