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Form 2 Computer Studies End Term 1 Exams 2021
Class: Form 2
Subject: Computer Studies
Level: High School
Exam Category: Form 2 End Term 1 Exams
Document Type: Pdf
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Exam Summary
Name…………………………………………………………………. Adm No………………
1. a) Suggest two disadvantages of a notebook computer when compared with a desktop computer. (2 marks)
b) Distinguish between the following sets of terms as used in spreadsheets.
i) Worksheet and workbook (2mks)
ii) Filtering and sorting (2mks)
2. Give two types of storage devices used in a computer giving an example of each. (4mks)
3. Give any three precautionary measures considered to ensure the safety of computers in a computer laboratory (3mks)
4. (a) Explain the term Process Control. (2 Marks)
(b) State two areas where process control is used in industry (2 Marks)
5. (a) Give one advantage of serial connection over parallel connection. (2 marks)
(b) Give one advantage of parallel connection over serial connection. (1 mark)
6. (a) Explain the term pipelining as used in CPU (1 mark)
(b) Explain How parallel processing work (2 marks)
7. Give two advantages and two disadvantages of display devices (e.g., monitors).
(4 marks)
8. (a)Explain briefly why increasing the main memory may improve the performance (e.g. speed) of a computer system. (2 marks)
(b) Explain the term memory address as used in primary memory (2 marks)
9. Explain the following as used in word processing (6 Marks)
i. Spell-check
ii. Thesaurus
iii. Macros:
10. Explain the following spreadsheet concepts:
i. Automatic Recalculation. (2 marks)
ii. What if analysis (2 marks)
11. Below is a graphical representation of a section of a Microsoft words application window.
Use it to answer the question that follow.

Give the uses of the icons labeled A and B (2mks)
12. Define the following terms as used in disk management
i) Partitioning (2mks)
ii) Defragmentation (2mks)
13. State three ways in which your school librarian can use a computer (3mks)
14. i) Write the acronym UPS in full? (1mk)
ii) Explain the uses of UPS? (2mks)
15. List any four tasks that an electronic spreadsheet should be able to perform other than calculations (4mks)
16. Explain how a paragraph can be moved from one place to another in word processing. (3mks)
17. Briefly explain the functions of each of the following;
i) Ordinary Counter Register (OC) (2mks)
ii) Instruction Register (IR) (2mks)
iii) Accumulator Register (2mks)
18. (a) State any four functions of a computer (4mks)
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