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Business Studies Paper 1 Form 4 End of Term 1 Examination 2019
Class: Form 4
Subject: Business Studies
Level: High School
Exam Category: Form 4 End Term 1 Exams
Document Type: Pdf
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Business Studies Paper 1 Form 4 End of Term 1 Examination 2019
This file contains questions and the Marking scheme in it. Below is a preview of the questions
Answer ALL the questions in this paper in the spaces provided.
1. Mention four limitations of advertising as a means of sales promotion. (4mks)
2. State four advantages of a bonded warehouse (4mks)
3. Outline any four circumstances under which a manufacturer would sell goods directly to consumers (4mks)
4. Outline any four importance’s of advertising as a sales promotion method. 4mks
5. Mention four investment services offered by the Kenya Postal Corporation. 4mks
6. Give four reasons why the budget is an important government tool of control to the economy4mks
7. Give four reasons why most organization prefer oral interviews whenever they are recruiting new employees/staff. 4 mks
8. Name four characteristics that should be posed by goods in order for them to be described as wealth. 4 mks
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