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Business Studies Paper 1 Form 3 End of Term 3 Examination 2019
Class: Form 3
Subject: Business Studies
Level: High School
Exam Category: Form 3 End Term 3 Exams
Document Type: Pdf
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Business Studies Paper 1 Form 3 End of Term 3 Examination 2019
This file contains questions and the Marking scheme in it. Below is a preview of the questions
Answer ALL the questions in this paper (100marks)
1. Outline four ways in which the competitive business environment can benefit the consumers. (4marks).
2. Highlight four features of capital as a factor of production. (4marks)
3. State four factors that determine the period for which documents should be stored. (4marks)
4. Name the type of business organization described each of the following :( 4marks)
a) Form by an Act of Parliament …
b) Ownership is between 7 and infinite……
c) Managed by a committee ……
d) Any owner can act on behalf of the others…
5. Highlight four limitations of pipeline as a means of transport. (4marks)
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