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English Form 1 End of Term 3 Examination 2019

Class: Form 1

Subject: English

Level: High School

Exam Category: Form 1 End Term 3 Exams

Document Type: Pdf


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English Form 1 End of Term 3 Examination 2019
This file contains questions and the Marking scheme in it. Below is a preview of the questions

A. Cloze Test. (10mks)
It was now time for 1._____________________ who had a question or anything else to do so. At first nobody stood. 2. __________________ seemed to be staring blankly in the air waiting for someone else to go first. Suddenly, somebody finally stood. “I have a suggestion,” she said. “Let 3._____________ be given a chance to say 4. _____________________. We should not leave this meeting until this matter is resolved.” Wangui suddenly gathered 5.________________ and spoke as tears flowed freely down her face 6. ______________________ she asked for forgiveness from those they had aggrieved. Right in front of her, was Paulo, the headboy. Before he could 7.________________, Wangui handed him the mobile phone they had been8. ________________ for in the dormitories. She hated the prospect of facing their ruthless principal, but she was 9. _______________ that that was the right thing to do. The principal was not 10. ____________________ to learn that Wangui had had this phone all along.

B. Oral Skills (10 marks)
Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.
Waves lap lap
Fish fins clap clap
Brown sails flap flap
Chop sticks tap tap

Up and down the long green river
Ohe! Ohe! Lanterns quiver
Willow branches brush the river
Ohe! Ohe! Lanterns quiver

Waves lap lap
Fish fins clap clap
Brown sails flap flap
Chop sticks tap tap

1. Describe the rhyme scheme of the above poem. (1mk)

2. Identify and illustrate any sound devices used in the poem. (4mks)


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