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Form 4 History and Government Mid Term 1 Examination 2023
Class: Form 4
Subject: History and Government
Level: High School
Exam Category: Form 4 Mid Term Exams
Document Type: Pdf
Views: 886
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Exam Summary
NAME: ……………………………………….. CLASS…………… ADM…………
- This paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
- Answer all questions in section A, three questions from section B , and two questions from section C
- Answers to all questions must be written in a separate answer sheets provided.
(Answer ALL the Questions from this Section)
1. Give the main function of the legislature (1 mark)
2. Name two types of elections in Kenya (2 marks)
3. Give two conditions under which the seat of an MP may fall vacant (2 Marks)
4. Give two reasons why elections are held in Kenya every five years (2 Marks)
5. Give two requirements for one to vote during the election (2 Marks)
6. Which is the most important stage in law making? (1 Mark)
7. Name one qualification for one to become an attorney general in Kenya (1 Mark)
8. Give two functions of the high court of Kenya (2 Marks)
9. What is the main function of the opposition parties in Kenya? (1 Mark)
10. What event prompted USA to join the first world war (1 Mark)
11. Give the main reason why the League of Nations was established in 1919 (1 Mark)
12. State two ways in which the Treaty of Versailles affected Germany (2 Marks)
13. Name the alliance formed between Germany and Austria-Hungary in 1879 (1 Mark)
14. Apart from China and USA, name two permanent members states of the UN security council (2 Marks)
15. Name one member state of the Commonwealth in West Africa (1 Mark)
16. Name two agencies of the UNO which deals with the problem of health (2 Marks)
17. Identify one ideological believe which was used in Kenya since attainment of independence (1 mark)
(Answer any THREE Questions from this Section)
18. (a) State five causes of the Second World War (5 Marks)
(b) Give five reasons why the Central Powers were defeated in the First World War (10 Marks)
19. (a) Name three West Africa countries which are members of the OAU (3 Marks)
(b) What are the achievements of the Organization of African Unity since its formation (12 Marks)
20. (a) State three Traditional Virtues for nation building embedded in Nyayoism (3 Marks)
(b) Identify six principle features that guide African Socialism (12 Marks)
21. (a) State five functions of Kenya Police (5 Marks)
(b) Explain five functions of the speaker of the National Assembly in Kenya (10 Marks)
(Answer Any TWO Questions from this Section)
22. (a) State three types of Nationalism in South Africa (3 Marks)
(b) Describe the problems undermined the activities of nationalists in Mozambique (12 Marks)
23. (a) State five methods which were used by African Nationalists in Kenya during the struggle for independence (5 Marks)
(b) Explain the political developments which hastened the attainment of independence in Kenya after 1945 (10 Marks)
24. (a) Give five reasons why the colonial government encouraged white settlement in Kenya (5 Marks)
(b) What were the reasons for the construction of the Kenya- Uganda railway during the colonial period (10 Marks)
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