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Form 4 English Mid Term 1 Examination 2023
Class: Form 4
Subject: English
Level: High School
Exam Category: Form 4 Mid Term Exams
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Exam Summary
NAME:……………………………………………………………………..CLASS………………….ADM NO…………………
Question 1 functional writing (10 Mks)
1. You are the Patron of Debating Club in your School. Your School is hosting the Nakuru County Inter- School debating competition scheduled for 18 September. Write a Memo to the School Matron asking her to make arrangements for two meals, tea and lunch. The total Students visiting the School will be sixty. Send a copy to the School Principal.
Question 2 Close Test (10 Mks)
2. Regardless of your intelligence and the way you learn, knowing how to concentrate is critical to a student’s success. Concentration is a (1) ………………..that is developed through self – discipline and (2) ……………………… It is a habit that (3) ……………………….time and effort to develop for consistent success. Athletes have it. Surgeons have it; and successful students (4................ have it. Concentration can be defined as the process of paying attention or (5) ……………….full attention on the task (6) ……………… hand. The mark of a genius is the (7) …………………… to concentrate on one thing at a time. This is (8) ………………… if the task is fun and exciting. (9) ……………….... becomes more difficult when one is required to read …………………………. that is boring or complicated.
(Adapted from Bridging the Gap by Brenda D. Smith, Person Education Inc. 2008)
Oral skills (10 Mks)
Oral Poem
When my love swears that she is made of truth,
I do believe her, though I know she lies.
That she might think me some untutored youth,
Unlearned in the World’s false subtleties.
Thus vainly thinking that she thinks me young,
Although she knows my days are past the best.
Simply I credit her false speaking tongue
On both sides thus is simple truth suppressed.
But wherefore says she is not unjust?
And wherefore says not I that I am old?
O love’s best habit is in seeming trust,
And age in love loves not to have years told.
Therefore I lie with her and she with me,
And in our faults by lies we flattered be.
a. Describe the thyme scheme in this Poem (2 Mks).
b. Identify and illustrate the sound pattern in line 5 (2 Mks).
c. Identify and illustrate the pun in the last two lines (2 Mks).
d. Which words would you stress in the first line and why? (2 Mks).
e. Who is the persona? (2 Mks).
(ii) Study the following situations and write down what you would say in each case.
a. You are engaging in a conversation and you catch yourself interrupting the other person (2 Mks).
b. You wanted to introduce a point during a class discussion which contradicts what the other person has said (2 Mks).
c. Use stress markers to indicate the stressed syllable in the following words (2 Mks).
i. Pronounce
ii. Concentration
d. Use the word ‘COW’ twice in a sentence to bring out its two different meanings (2 Mks).
e. Underline the silent letters in the following words (2 Mks).
i. Secretary
ii. Person
Question 4 Grammar (10 Mks)
1. Rewrite the sentences below according to the instructions given after each. Do not change the meaning.
a. If you have nothing more to contribute, we will stop the fundraising. (Begin: unless………..)
b. Mwendwa did not realize it was four o’clock. He got out of bed. (Rewrite as one sentence using a participle phrase).
c. The guest of honour was given a ………………………………of flowers (Use the correct collective noun to fill the gap).
d. A person who cannot live within moderate means must expect to be held in low esteem by others (Punctuate using parenthesis).
e. The party to be held on Thursday will be in the hall (Begin with the underlined word).
f. You must be home ………………………. midnight at the latest (Use the correct preposition to fill the gap).
2. Complete the sentences below by changing the verb in brackets into the form indicated in the instructions after each (2 Mks).
a. ……………….…………. (Prefer) tilapia to mudfish is understandable in your circumstances. (Gerund).
b. …………………………. (lie) to your parents is a bad practice (infinite)
3. Fill in the blanks spaces below with the correct form of the verb in brackets. (2 Mks)
a. The ……………………………….. of the matter brought the principal to their dormitory. (grave)
b. It is advisable that we ………………………………… forgive those who wrong us. (conditions)
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