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CRE Paper 1 Form 3 End of Term 2 Examination 2019

Class: Form 3

Subject: CRE

Level: High School

Exam Category: Form 3 End Term 2 Exams

Document Type: Pdf


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CRE Paper 1 Form 3 End of Term 2 Examination 2019
This file contains questions and the Marking scheme in it. Below is a preview of the questions

Answer any FIVE questions
NB All answers to be written in the Answer Booklet provided (100 MARKS)
1. a)State seven actions from the life of Abraham which showed that he had faith in God. (7mks)
b) List six values which a Christian can learn from the call of Moses (6mks)
c) State seven duties of Samuel as a prophet of God (7mks)
2. a) What were the shortcomings of a King in Israel? (6mks)
b) In what way is prophecy practiced in your church today? (7mks)
c) State seven ways in which Christians practice social justice. (7mks)
3. a) State the factors which led to the division of the Kingdom of Israel after the death of King Solomon. (7mks)
b) From the teachings of Prophet Elijah state the effects of idolatry to the Israelites (7mks)
c) State six activities a modern Christian can perform in order to be considered a true follower of Christ (6mks)
4. a) Why did the Prophets of the Old Testament condemn the way the Israelites worshiped? (7mks)
b) Explain Amos’ teaching on judgment and punishment. (8mks)
c) What are the effects of sexual immorality? (5mks)


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