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Form 1 Physics Mid Term 1 Examination 2023

Class: Form 1

Subject: Physics

Level: High School

Exam Category: Form 1 Mid Term Exams

Document Type: Pdf


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Exam Summary


1. Define physics? (1mks)

2. Describe three branches of physics. (6mks)

3. Describe any three relationship between physics and other subjects. (6mks)

4. List five laboratory rules. (5mks

5. Define length and state its SI units. (2mks)

6. State 2 factors that determine the choice of instrument to measure length. (2mks)

7. (a) What is the SI unit for area. (1mk)

(b) Express the following into M2 (4mks)
(i) 9000cm2

(ii) 0.05cm2

8. The water level in a burette is 30cm3, 55 drops of water fall from the burette and average volume of one drop is 0.12cm3. What is the final water level in the burette. (3mks)

9. (a) Define mass and give its SI units. (2mks)

(b) Covert the following into kilograms (1mk)
(i) 2 tonne

(ii) 400 grams

(iii) 600mg (millgram)

10. The mass of 20cm3 of wood was found to be 0.4kg. Calculate the density of wood
a) In kg/m3 (2mks)

b) In g/cm3 (2mks)

11. How has physics helped in advancement in medicine. (4mks)

12. State four apparatus used in physics laboratory. (4mks)

13. Express each of the following volumes in M3
a) 27cm3 (2mks)

b) 11000mm3 (2mks)

14. Define volume and its SI units. (2mks)

15. Define density and state the SI unit (2mks)


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