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Form 1 CRE Mid Term 1 Examination 2023

Class: Form 1

Subject: CRE

Level: High School

Exam Category: Form 1 Mid Term Exams

Document Type: Pdf


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Exam Summary

TERM 1 2023

1. State four reasons why CRE is taught in schools today? (4 marks)

2. Give four literary forms used to write the bible (4marks)

3. Highlight four reasons why the bible is referred to us the word of God. (4marks)

4. Name the four national goals of education.(4 marks)

5. Outline five versions of the bible used in Kenya today. (4 marks)

6. Mention four Pentateuch books. (4 marks)

7. List three Attributes of God from the creation accounts. (3 marks)

8. Give 3 similarities in the 1st and 2nd accounts of creation(3mks)


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