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Form 1 Biology Mid Term 1 Examination 2023

Class: Form 1

Subject: Biology

Level: High School

Exam Category: Form 1 Mid Term Exams

Document Type: Pdf


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Exam Summary

NAME: ........................................... ADM NO: ............ CLASS: ..........
TERM 1 2023
Attempt all the questions in the spaces provided.
1. Define the term Biology. (1 mk)
2. Name and define the two main branches of biology. (4 mks)
3. State the name given to the following:. (2 mks)
(i) Study of living things and their surrounding.
(ii) Study of inheritance and variation
(iii) Study of insects
(iv) Study of parasites.
4. State four ways in which study of biology is useful. (4 mks)
5 . (a) List eight characteristics of living organisms. (9 mks)
(b) Define each of the characteristics of living thins stated in 5(a) above. (8 mks)
6. (a) What is a specimen? (1 mk)
(b) Explain how the following apparatus are used in collection of specimen. (3 mks)
-Sweep net
-Fish net
-Bart trap
-Pit fall trap
-Pair of forceps
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7. Study the apparatus shown below.
(a) Name the apparatus shown. (1 mk)
(b) State the use of the apparatus. (1 mk)
(c) Name the parts A ___________________
B ____________________
8. (a) List four difference between plants and animals (4mks)
9. Outline four precautions during collection and observation of specimens. (4mks)


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