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Form 3 Home Science Paper 1 End of Term 3 Examination 2022

Class: Form 3

Subject: Home Science

Level: High School

Exam Category: Form 3 End Term 3 Exams

Document Type: Pdf


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Exam Summary

Term 3 - 2022 HOME SCIENCE (441/1) PAPER 1 THEORY FORM THREE (3) Time: 2½ Hours Name: …………………………………………………………. AdmNo: ………………. School: ……………………………………………………….. Class: ………………….. Signature: …………………………………………………….. Date: …………………... INSTRUCTIONS:
 This paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
 Answer all questions in section A, Question 22 (Compulsory) in B and any two questions from C

SECTION A (40 MARKS) Answer all the questions in the section in the spaces provided.
1. Mentiontwo uses of sugar in a creamed mixture. (1mark) …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
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2. State twonutrients that are important in the diet of a person who is convalescing from major surgery. (2marks)
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3. Give tworeasonsforusing a wooden spoon for cooking. (2marks)
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4. List fourwomen that are at the risk of developing anaemia in pregnancy. (2marks)
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5. List four diseases that a school cook should be regularly screened for. (2marks)
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6. State four ways of ensuring efficiency when doing cleaning in the school. (2marks)
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7. Mention four methods of cooking meat. (2 marks)
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8. Outline three benefits of the free maternal care the government is offering to pregnant women. (2marks)
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9. Highlight twocommon causes of high fever in breastfeeding babies. (1 mark)
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10. Give two reasons for using machine fell seam on denim trousers. (2marks)
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11. List two methods of making fabrics. (1 mark)
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12. State two reasons why a consumer may lack information on the goods and services available in the market. (2marks)
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13. Why is oedema common in pregnant women? (1mark)
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14. State three points on the importance of child immunization. (3 marks)
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15. State three problems that a consumer may face in the process of purchasing goods and services. (3marks)
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16. Draw symbols to communicate the following information: (2marks)
 place on fold
 grain line
 do not bleach
 hang to dry on a line
17. State two reasons why silk is expensive. (2 marks)
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18. Identify the following six stitches (3marks)


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