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Form 2 Home Science End of Term 3 Examination 2022
Class: Form 2
Subject: Home Science
Level: High School
Exam Category: Form 2 End Term 3 Exams
Document Type: Pdf
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Exam Summary
Term 3 - 2022 HOME SCIENCE FORM TWO (2) Time: 2 Hours Name: …………………………………………………………. AdmNo: ……………….
School: ……………………………………………………….. Class: ………………….. Signature: ……………………………………………………..
Date: …………………... Instructions to candidates
1. This paper consists of three sections. A, B and C
2. Answer all questions in section A. Section B is compulsory. Answer the two questions in section C.
3. Answers to questions must be written in the space provided.
4. All answers must be written in English.
SECTION A (40 Marks)
Answer ALL the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
1. List four methods that can be used to disinfect clothes. (2 marks)
2. Name two hand made stitches that can be used to neaten the raw edges of a seam. (1 mark)
3. Give the nutritional disorder that may be caused by lack of each of the following nutrients. (2 marks)
i) Calcium ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
ii) Thiamine………………………………………………………………………………………………
iii) Retinol………………………………………………………………………………………………..
iv) Niacin…………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Mention two reasons why a pit latrine should be kept covered when not in use. (2 marks)
5. Give two qualities of a good pair of bedsheets. (2marks)
6. List two reasons for tacking work when sewing. (2 marks)
7. Mention two ways of conserving nutrients when preparing and cooking green leafy vegetables. (2 marks)
8. Identify three qualities of a good bathroom floor. (3 marks)
9. List two methods of cooking that can be used when cooking for a sick person. (1 mark)
10. Mention two points on care of cutting out shears. (2 marks)
11. Outline threeways of minimizing COVID 19 infections in schools. (3 marks)
12. Suggest two ways of avoiding poisoning at home. (2 marks)
13. Mention three qualities of a fabric suitable for making an apron. (3 marks)
14. Outline three things that may influence what you buy when going back to school. (3 marks)
15. Listtwo ways of making spring water safe for drinking. (1mark)
16. Give two causes of frequent cholera outbreaks in the country. (2marks)
17. State the effect of hot water when removing chewing gum on a garment. (1 mark)
18. Identify two properties of nylon that limit its use for pyjamas. (2 marks)
19. Suggest three reasons why washing machines may not be a common laundry equipment in many Kenyan homes. (3 marks)
20. State two advantages of using tomatoes when cooking meat. (1 mark)
Answer question 21 in the spaces provided.
21. You are staying with your elderly grandmother in the village over the holiday.
a) Outline the procedure you will follow to make the muddy water from the river safe for drinking without using chemicals. (10 marks)
b) Launder her knitted acrylic shawl. (10 marks)
SECTION C (40 Marks) Answer any TWO questions from this section in the spaces provided.
22.a) Giving a reason in each case mention four nutrients that are important for a person with Anaemia. (6 marks)
b) Give four points to distinguish between symptoms of wet Beriberi from those of dry Beriberi. (4marks)
c) Suggest five ways of reducing Tuberculosis infections in the population. (5 marks)
d) Outline five desirable qualities of a seam on the side of a skirt/trouser. (5marks)
23. a) Mention five reasons why educating a woman is important in ensuring a healthy family. (5marks)
b) Suggest five dangers of living in a poorly drained environment. (5marks)
c) Explain three reasons why a house may not be cleaned frequently. (6 marks)
d) Outline four factors that determine the choice of personal clothes. (4 marks)
24. a) Outline five dangers of living in a crowded neighbourhood. (5marks)
b) Mention three limitations of using dry cleaning as a sole method of laundering clothes at home. (3 marks)
c) Suggest four ways your parents can advertise the potatoes they have harvested to get buyers. (4marks)
d) Explain three reasons why wool would not be suitable for making sportswear. (6 marks)
e) Differentiate between an epidemic and a pandemic in infectious diseases. (2marks)
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