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Form 3 History and Government Paper 1 End of Term 3 Examination 2022
Class: Form 3
Subject: History and Government
Level: High School
Exam Category: Form 3 End Term 3 Exams
Document Type: Pdf
Views: 731
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Exam Summary
1. Give two oral traditional sources of information on the history of Kenya during the colonial period (2 marks)
2. Give two evidence which prove that the Khoisan lived in Kenya before the 15th century A.D (2 marks)
3. Apart from the Mijikenda , name the other communities that belong to the coastal bantu (2 marks)
4. State the main reason why the Somali migrated into Kenya in the 19th century (1 mark)
5. Name the first missionary group that started the spread of Christianity along the Kenyan coast in the 19th century (1 mark)
6. Identify two agents who monitor the violation of human rights in Kenya (2 marks)
7. State two principles of democracy (2 marks)
8. Name the Anglo-Maasai treaty that shifted the Maasai from Laikipia to Ngong reserve (Southern reserve)
(1 mark) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9. Give the main objective of the Ukamba Members Association (1 mark)
10. Give two reasons why Africans were not allowed to grow cash crops during the colonial period (2 marks)
11. Identify two ways in which the trade union movement contributed to the nationalist struggle in Kenya (2 marks)
12. State two roles played by MekatililiWaMenza in the Agiriama resistance in Kenya (2 marks)
13. Give one recommendations of the Lennox Boyd constitution regarding the legislative council (1 mark)
14. Give one way through which parliamentary supremacy in Kenya can be limited (1 mark)
15. Give one committee of parliament which deals with government financial matters (1 mark)
16. State one way in which the rule of law is applied in Kenya (1 mark)
17. Who is the head of judiciary in Kenya? (1 mark)
18 (a) State five reasons for the migration of the Nilotes. ( 5 Marks)
(b) Decribe the Social organization of the Maasai (10 marks)
19 (a) Give three reasons why the early visitors came to Kenyan coast before 1500 A.D. (3 marks
(b) Explain six factors that contributed to the development of trade between Kenyan coast and outside world by 1900 (12 marks)
20 (a) Give three economic reasons which encouraged British to colonize Kenya during the 19th century (3 marks)
(b) Explain six reasons why Kenyan communities were defeated by the British during establishment of colonial rule (12 marks)
21 (a) Give five challenges faced by independent churches and schools during the colonial period. (5 marks)
(b) Describe five roles played by Ronald Ngala in the struggle for independence in Kenya. (10 marks)
22 a) State three reasons why the government may limit the freedom of speech. (3mks)
b) Explain six responsibilities of a Kenyan citizen (12 Marks)
23 a) Identify five development rights of children (5mks)
b) Explain five rights of an accused person during trial in a court of law in Kenya (10mks)
24a) What is the composition of the executive arm of Government in Kenya? (3 Marks)
b) Describe six functions of the Civil Servants in Kenya (12mks)
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