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Form 3 Drawing & Design Paper 1 End of Term 3 Examination 2022

Class: Form 3

Subject: Drawing and Design

Level: High School

Exam Category: Form 3 End Term 3 Exams

Document Type: Pdf


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Exam Summary

Term 3 - 2022 DRAWING & DESIGN (449/1) FORM THREE (3) Time: 2½ Hours
Name: …………………………………………………………. AdmNo: ………………. School: ………………………………………………………..
Class: ………………….. Signature: …………………………………………………….. Date: …………………...
Instructions to candidates
1) You should have the following for this examinations:
 Drawing instruments;
 4 sheets of drawing paper size A3;
 Scale rule.
2) This paper consists of three sections: A, B and C.
3) Answer ALL the questions in sections A and B.
4) Answer any TWO questions in section C
5) Answer ALL questions in the A3 papers provided.

1. a)i) Outline two methods of mounting drawing paper on a drawing board surface. (2mks)
ii) Give two reasons for including notes on a drawing. (2mks) b) State one reason why each of the following factors should be considered during design process. (3mks) i) Moral value ii) Environmental factor
iii) Economic factors
2. Give two reasons for using
i) Plastic in making set-squares (1mk) ii) Blackboard in making drawing board. (1mk) iii) Soft board in encasing pencil lead(1mk)
3. Illustrate using sketch how to dimension
(i) Hypotenuse in a right angle triangle (2mks) ii) An arc in a circle (2mks)
4. Define the following properties of materials. (4mks)
(i) Plasticity (ii)Toughness in design materials (iii) Shear strength (iv) Fusibility
5. Construct an ellipse whose minor diameter and major diameter are 50mm and 70mm respectively and show the two foci (5mks)
6. Front view of a tilted hexagonal pyramid is given below (5mks)
Sketch in good proportional the plan and end elevation of the pyramid
7. Construct a diagonal scale of 50mm: 1mm long enough to measure up to 3mm indicate a distance of mm. (5mks)
Indicate distances of 2.73mm and 1.26mm
8. Draw a regular pentagon whose length of sides are 25mm and convert to a square of an equal area. (6mks)
9. Sketch a sectional elevation along the cutting plane A-A (5mks)
10. Sketch the block in oblique cabinet projection ( 6 marks)

This question is compulsory Answer this question on the A 3 paper provided
11. Figure below shows details of a hand vice. Assemble the parts and draw Full size the following views.
a) Sectional elevation along X-X
b) The plan
c) End Elevation in the direction of arrow A

SECTION C (30 Marks)
Answer any two questions from this section on the A3 drawing paper provided
12. Draw the views given below in isometric projection (15 marks)
13. A 60mm diameter cylinder has a string wound round it to form a helix with a lead of 70 mm. Draw helix in clockwise direction (15 marks)
14. Draw a cylinder whose diameter is 50mm and its height 60mm in two point perspective using plan projection method (15 marks)


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